Solution to hole at the back of the Microwave Oven?


14 Sep 2013
Local time
11:54 AM
My friends microwave oven has a hole at the back. She assumes that it was made by a big rat trying to get in or something. She doesn't use it every day so she doesn't know when the hole I told her not to use it anymore because it might not be safe since the radiation will leak out. She asked if she can patch it instead. The microwave oven is still in very good condition except for having a hole. Is there anything safe she can use to patch the hole?
:eek: I definitely wouldn't use that.

You are right that the microwave radiation will be leaking when it's on and I don't think that randomly cooking whatever is behind the oven is a good idea. Also, because the wave pattern inside the oven has been changed it likely won't heat the food through properly.

Don't try an amateur repair. At best you won't stop the leak and at worst it could cause a fire.

Time for a new one!:thumbsup:

(Edit: I realise I posted the above assuming that the hole comes right through into the cooking area of the oven. Have I understood that right?)
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If it is only in the plastic casing then pest control would be a good idea.

Anyway, if it is only in a bit of plastic casing then car body filler might work, but to be honest, if it is only in a bit of plastic at the back I would ignore it and deal with the rats instead.

Anything that has damaged the cooking area of the oven, or is near the electrics would render the oven in need of scrapping or professional attention.
If there were rats crawling around in the microwave, I would throw that thing out immediately - that does not sound sanitary at all. Microwaves are relatively cheap these days, she can probably find a used one at a flea market or yard sale for next to nothing. There is no sense making yourself ill with radiation just to save a few bucks.
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