Store Bought Pizza Crust


Well-Known Member
25 Apr 2021
Local time
11:59 PM
North Ohio
Who all used them ? Don't try to hide...

Anyway, I have and really, they do the job. It is not really a pizza, just an imitation I guess. But it can taste good.

I start by cutting things up, for one some onions because we have an onioner. Then the shrooms that are REALLY fried, not just par boiled in butter. After all that is done then in goes the sausage, which I always precook some, not all the way but really close. Then I do my sauce, which is my marinara and done in the sausage grease. Then their sauce and they spice that.

I think the result is very good.

I have one recipe that calls for a specific store-bought crust, and that's the only time I use one. I've made the recipe with my own dough...not the same, so I went back to the premade one.
I made home made base about two weeks ago, it was ok but the one we had the other night was store bought, and real good, good crusty base. Two per pack frozen. Cheap as chips.

Once you get into the habit of making and freezing dough, you shouldn't have to buy dough, ever..I make a batch of dough with 00 flour that gets's me about three, 8 ounce balls of dough, which gets me three thin crust pizzas...I usually eat one right away and freeze the other two emmediately befor proofing..down the road, when I want pizza, I pull one out that morning and it thaws in the fridge..I take it out about an hour before dinner and it's ready to roll out with a bit of flour..too easy...

I'm a bit anti processed food...and I like to make things myself...
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Once you get into the habit of making and freezing dough, you shouldn't have to buy dough, ever..I make a batch of dough with 00 flour that gets's me about three, 8 ounce balls of dough, which gets me three thin crust pizzas...I usually eat one right away and freeze the other two emmidiately befor proofing..down the road, when I want pizza, I pull one out that morning and it thaws in the fridge..I take it out about an hour before dinner and it's ready to roll out with a bit of flour..too easy...

I'm a bit anti processed food...and I like to make things myself...

I'm kinda like that but I'm not that good on bread/ yeast stuff.

I'm kinda like that but I'm not that good on bread/ yeast stuff.

Well, the best rule is to handle it as little as you have to...I have a very loose recipe becaue every time I make it, it can be different..the trick is to learn where you want to end up and getting there becomes easier..
Once you get into the habit of making and freezing dough, you shouldn't have to buy dough, ever..I make a batch of dough with 00 flour that gets's me about three, 8 ounce balls of dough, which gets me three thin crust pizzas...I usually eat one right away and freeze the other two emmidiately befor proofing..down the road, when I want pizza, I pull one out that morning and it thaws in the fridge..I take it out about an hour before dinner and it's ready to roll out with a bit of flour..too easy...

I'm a bit anti processed food...and I like to make things myself...
That's what I do too....make a batch of dough, use half of it and freeze the other two balls. I like to always have 4-6 balls in the freezer for emergencies ;-)

I'm still deciding whether to use two of my home-frozen balls next weekend when we go away in the motorhome, or whether to just take fresh dough with us (I cold prove mine, so it's easy to make ahead and transport in the fridge).
Who all used them ? Don't try to hide...

Anyway, I have and really, they do the job. It is not really a pizza, just an imitation I guess. But it can taste good.

I start by cutting things up, for one some onions because we have an onioner. Then the shrooms that are REALLY fried, not just par boiled in butter. After all that is done then in goes the sausage, which I always precook some, not all the way but really close. Then I do my sauce, which is my marinara and done in the sausage grease. Then their sauce and they spice that.

I think the result is very good.


I am for both ways. My preference is to make my own pizza dough (I am a huge fan and user of durum wheat semolina’s flour when I bake) so the result is very nice and I am satisfied especially when the sauce is a simple one like Marinara (which for the record is only tomato sauce, garlic and dried oregano, nothing else added).
However, I also like to use the pre-made pizza dough that I find not bad at all and easy when I want a pizza but have not time enough to make it from scratch.
It is a matter convenience for us. When we make homemade pizza it is during the work week. They are fine for us. Certainly better than chain crusts
We had only one source for pre-made pizza bases (Makro) and they weren't very good. More like biscuits. Therefore I started making my own with a bread machine that I was given. They were better but not substantially so.

On Thirstday last, when shopping for a new halogen oven, we called at the "up-market" supermarket and I found these. I bought three to try - one probably tomorrow when I obtain some pepperoni.

Note: I tried to upload images to the media albums and received this message: "The upload failed because the temporary directory was missing. The site administrator will need to resolve this before any files can be uploaded."

I then tried to attach direct and received the same message.

It appears to be sorted now....

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I never use bought/supermarket pizza crust. Ever. Firstly, it´s got to be more expensive than making your own. Secondly, homemade tastes so much better. Finally, it´s a question of a routine; when I make pizza, I sometimes makes 2 kgs, cut the dough into balls, and freeze it. Gives me about a dozen for future use.
When our kids were still kids, we used to use pita bread for a quick-fix pizza.
We had only one source for pre-made pizza bases (Makro) and they weren't very good. More like biscuits. Therefore I started making my own with a bread machine that I was given. They were better but not substantially so.

On Thirstday last, when shopping for a new halogen oven, we called at the "up-market" supermarket and I found these. I bought three to try - one probably tomorrow when I obtain some pepperoni.

Note: I tried to upload images to the media albums and received this message: "The upload failed because the temporary directory was missing. The site administrator will need to resolve this before any files can be uploaded."

I then tried to attach direct and received the same message.

It appears to be sorted now....

Those bases don't look too good to me. Why all the holes? They are going to be very crispy and thin I think. Maybe you like that, but I prefer a bit of soft dough texture and a nicely charred finish.
Those bases don't look too good to me. Why all the holes? They are going to be very crispy and thin I think. Maybe you like that, but I prefer a bit of soft dough texture and a nicely charred finish.

I have no idea about the "holes" although they are indentations. If you look closely, you will see that the bases are made in Spain (where I cannot remember ever having had a pizza). I'll be cooking one either tomorrow or Tuesday and shall report my findings thereafter.
We had only one source for pre-made pizza bases (Makro) and they weren't very good. More like biscuits. Therefore I started making my own with a bread machine that I was given. They were better but not substantially so.

On Thirstday last, when shopping for a new halogen oven, we called at the "up-market" supermarket and I found these. I bought three to try - one probably tomorrow when I obtain some pepperoni.

Note: I tried to upload images to the media albums and received this message: "The upload failed because the temporary directory was missing. The site administrator will need to resolve this before any files can be uploaded."

I then tried to attach direct and received the same message.

It appears to be sorted now....

They sell similar ones here, three for $2.50US...and they're not worth that. They taste like the worst of the frozen supermarket pizzas.
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