Recipe The Secret Healthy cake (Frosting recipe included)


Senior Member
30 Dec 2017
Local time
10:21 AM
This is one of my many cake recipes that I'll be sharing with you guys today. Morning glory actually requested this recipe to understand how I make a cake without using sugar. So I'm going to share it for all of you guys not just them.

This cake is very healthy and diet friendly but you would never know it if you tasted it. It taste pretty much just as good as a normal cake or even better. So if your on a diet or you just like to eat healthy this recipe is for you.

I'll include a frosting recipe to but that won't be sugar free but it will be much healthier than the store bought or bakery frosting.

The trick with this recipe is I replace sugar with molasses. It gives the cake a dark color but overall it makes the cake taste amazing without the use of granulated sugar. If you don't have molasses or can't buy molasses I'm sure maple syrup will do the trick. I don't know the calorie intake on maple syrup but I know it's much healthier and tastier than granulated sugar.

The Secret Healthy cake Recipe
Time overall: I would say 30 minutes to 1 hour give or take never timed myself with a timer it's just an educated guess
2 cups of all purpose flour (almond or coconut would be even better)
1 pinch of salt
1 tsp of baking soda
2 eggs
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1 cup of milk(this can be any milk doesn't have to be a cows milk)
1/4 cup of oil (coconut is the healthiest but simple vegetable will do if you don't have it)
1 cup of molasses (If you cannot get a hold of molasses I'm sure maple syrup will do fine or even agave syrup)
1. Alright please fluff up your flour or sift it a bit into a large mixing bowl. This is to make sure your cake will be all nice and fluffy. If you don't fluff it your cake will most likely not turn out right so make that flour fluffy!

2. After you fluffed up the flower or sifted it add all the rest of the dry ingredients and mix it well.

3. Now we mix in all of our wet ingredients. Mix it well and get all the lumps out. After that let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes or until you see bubbles in the cake batter.

4. Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
As far as cake pan sizes this I do not know. I never measured my cake pan sorry >.<, however here is a link that might help determine the perfect cake pan size for you . Alright once you find the one you want to do grease it and put a tiny bit of flour all around to make sure the cake doesn't stick.

5. Pour the better into the pan and bake it for about 20 to 30 minutes. Check it every now and then sometimes my cakes end up finishing quicker than I predicted. You can never tell those guys have a mind of there own sometimes lol.

6. Once the cake is finished take it out of the oven and set it to cool before you frost it. Please do not try to frost it while it's hot it will fall apart on you.

Coconut White Chocolate Frosting Diet friendly
Time: I would say taking an educated guess 30 minutes
1/2 cup of white chocolate chips
1/2 cup of coconut shavings
1/2 cup of low fat yogurt (You could add more or less this depends on your desired thickness of the frosting. If you don't wan't dairy I think 1 cup of vanilla pudding would work)
2 tsp of honey
1 Melt your chocolate chips into a nice smooth and creamy gooey goodness. Then pour it into a mixing bowl.

2. After that add all of the other ingredients and mix well.

3. After it's all mixed up put it in a container and then set it in the fridge to cool until your ready to frost your cake.

4. Once the frosting has thickened and your cake has cooled it's time to frost up the cake!

Alright that's all guys. Thank you for trying it out :) enjoy it
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Thank you @pinkcherrychef - I will have a go at making this in the near future (minus the frosting). No-one here likes frosted cakes. I'll need to replace the eggs with a vegan egg replacer so my son (vegan) can eat it.
Thank you @pinkcherrychef - I will have a go at making this in the near future (minus the frosting). No-one here likes frosted cakes. I'll need to replace the eggs with a vegan egg replacer so my son (vegan) can eat it.
I usally don't add frosting either on my cakes but this recipe I used recently and it was for my anniversary so I wanted the cake to be extra sweet and richness to it. When it's a special occasion like that you go the extra mile to make it pretty. Oh and your welcome :) I heard bananas are a good egg replacer. I don't know how many you need to use though.
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