Turmeric and other natural remedies


26 Aug 2020
Local time
11:00 AM
[Mod.Edit: This post has been moved to form a new topic (MG)]

(From the "Missing From the Spice Rack" thread)
Better still is the fresh root (from which the dried ground turmeric is made). It keeps well in the freezer and can be grated from frozen. I have some nearly always as it has such a lovely fragrant taste. Available in some supermarkets in the UK these days or from Asian shops.
Here's a link. Fresh turmeric root tastes great but in terms of health one should make a difference between the root/spice turmeric and curcuminoids; the health-related compounds in turmeric.
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One shouldn't underrate the placebo effect which is very powerful.

I always thought that homeopathy was rubbish but I've heard it works in treating animals. Not sure if that has been scientifically proven, though.

I suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and spent years going to the doctors taking prescribed medications (name anything with simethicone, I took it), along with a prebiotics, and probiotics, and digestive enzymes, and vitamins, to no avail. I was desperate so I tried an homeopath, and it was the only thing that brought some ease. I did quit my homeopath meds after I switched to a low FODMAP diet and found a natural supplement that also helps. But I had a really good homeopath that seemed genuinely interested in my wellbeing. I had only one appointment with him that cost me 50€, after that he was following me up by email and adjusting the medication without charging me anything. The homeopathy vials cost 3€ and lasted around 2 months, it's not expensive. I do know how homeopathy works and being a rational being I can't understand how that has any effect, maybe it's all just the placebo effect but that's fine with me. It doesn't seem to do any harm, so keeping it side to side with western medicine is probably what works best.
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Some of you may enjoy a Netflix docu-series called (Un)Well, about alternative healing methods. There's one about essential oils, one about fasting, about sting bee therapy (whattt?). The last I watched was about ayahuasca. I never heard about ayahuasca until 3 or 4 years ago, when we learned the founder of one of Portugal's most successful tech companies was doing it every year (told by someone who personally knows him...).
Suggestive healing (placebo effect, positiviness, self-awareness and meditation) is scientifically proven to advance healing so in my opinion, the placebo effect shouldn't be underrated either.

There was a very interesting study a while ago. I saw a TV documentary about it. The subject was IBS. Half the patients with IBS were given tried and tested pills the other half were given sugar pills. By the end of the study the results showed little difference in the results - except, that there were a number of people in the sugar pill (placebo) group who had seen significant improvement. So much so that even when they were told that they had been taking sugar pills, they wanted to continue.

There was a limited number of placebo pills manufactured for the trial and those requesting it were given the remaining supply. The documentary followed one woman in particular taking the placebo beyond the trial date. She continued to improve despite the fact she new she was simply taking a sugar pill. Eventually the supply of the placebo ran out. The woman became distraught as she was now dependent on the placebo - her symptoms returned as soon as she ceased taking it. She couldn't be convinced that there was no need to take these particular pills. She begged them to manufacture more but obviously they weren't going to do that for a handful of people post trial. I'm not sure what happened after that...
Suggestive healing (placebo effect, positiviness, self-awareness and meditation) is scientifically proven to advance healing so in my opinion, the placebo effect shouldn't be underrated either.
Snake oil salesmen (homeopathic practitioners ) prey on the vulnerable like the clergy does. I would not care a jot if homeopathic products were free, but if they were the would not exist.
This is one of the largest Boiron (Euronext: BOI) is a manufacturer of homeopathic products, headquartered in France and with an operating presence in 59 countries worldwide.

Revenue604 million € (2018)
Net income57.4 million € (2018)
That profit ratio on return is incredible. It must make everyone who invested in the company feel fit as a fiddle ( pun intended) each year. What a splendid placebo an annual balance sheet like that is.
The mind has an incredible power over the body. Some illnesses and cures can be caused by the mind alone. Some alternative "therapies" do no harm and can be used alongside with western medicine, if anything they are a waste of time and money, but never a replacement for "proper" medicine.
Now, one natural remedy that DOES work: ginger for stomach pains!

I used to suffer badly from stomach aches and ginger tea works wonders everytime! I do need to make it with freshly grated ginger and drink some of the grated bits too, ginger tea bags don't work.

A friend who is a mother says that glazed ginger is amazing for pregnant nausea too.

My grandmother says her mother made her smell coffee beans when she had an headache, my grandmother tried that with me once but it amplified my headache 1000 times!
Are you talking about stomach pains (just below the ribs) or intestinal pain? Just checking as some people use the term stomach pain to cover all!

I love ginger BTW.

Stomach pain, in the stomach. I had a really bad case of gastritis cause by h-pylori infection, along with a pre-cancer stomach lesion (that thankfully disappeared). I've improved immensely since, and only discovered the wonders of ginger tea too late. Nowadays it's what I use when I my stomach feels funny.
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