

Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
8:45 PM
The Netherlands
[Mod.edit: this and a number of other posts moved from 'general chat' thread (MG)]

I can't begin to put in to words how much the situation in Ukraine affects me. It's already ruined this year for sure.

There's always a lot of poking fun at millenials in this website, but try to envision what it is like being 35 now. We already had 3 ' once in a life time crisis ' in our lives. We can't buy houses ( yes I am an exception thanks to my husband). There are no Jobs offering stability. There is a climate crisis too. And a pandemic.

And now there's a war on our doorstep. And who will pay the price when the time comes? Right, my generation and the children of my generation and gen X. Because the young ones are always the ones drafted.
Yes, I know other generations will get hurt too.
But please stop telling us how good we have it.

Rant over. Don't expect me to feel happy for a while.
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I can't begin to put in to words how much the situation in Ukraine affects me. It's already ruined this year for sure.

There's always a lot of poking fun at millenials in this website, but try to envision what it is like being 35 now. We already had 3 ' once in a life time crisis ' in our lives. We can't buy houses ( yes I am an exception thanks to my husband). There are no Jobs offering stability. There is a climate crisis too. And a pandemic.

And now there's a war on our doorstep. And who will pay the price when the time comes? Right, my generation and the children of my generation and gen X. Because the young ones are always the ones drafted.
Yes, I know other generations will get hurt too.
But please stop telling us how good we have it.

Rant over. Don't expect me to feel happy for a while.

I've been up watching what is happening. Putin has made his decision. He is ordering his troops into Ukraine. He is telling the Ukraine military to lay down their arms, and go home.

Bottom line, Putin has lost his mind. I've been watching it happen for days now.

Windigo, you are part of NATO. You will be okay. I feel for the people of Ukraine, who are being invaded by a megalomaniac with an army.

Stay strong. Russia's economy (GDP) is the same size as the economy of Texas. If the nations of NATO stay together, we will crush Russia's economy, and win this thing without firing a single shot.

I've been up watching what is happening. Putin has made his decision. He is ordering his troops into Ukraine. He is telling the Ukraine military to lay down their arms, and go home.

Bottom line, Putin has lost his mind. I've been watching it happen for days now.

Windigo, you are part of NATO. You will be okay. I feel for the people of Ukraine, who are being invaded by a megalomaniac with an army.

Stay strong. Russia's economy (GDP) is the same size as the economy of Texas. If the nations of NATO stay together, we will crush Russia's economy, and win this thing without firing a single shot.

I know I am part of the nato and my sadness is mainly for the people of Ukraine, but I am also concerned by what Putin has said:

"Now a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted to intervene in ongoing events from the outside," Putin said. "Whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so to create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia's response will be immediate and will lead you to such consequences as you have never experienced in your history. We are ready for any development of events. All necessary decisions in this regard have been made. I hope that I will be heard."

So it's clear that Russia considers Ukraine their territory and will attack any European nation interfering. Just one thing has to go wrong for the whole house of cards to come down. And that scares me. Mostly for Ukrainians and the old USSR, but also for myself.
This is how we win this war without firing a shot -- if we all stay together.

I would like to believe this, but his way of thinking is not necessarily logical in our terms. Also, its possible he is looking towards China as a potential ally. In particular, against the United States.
I would like to believe this, but his way of thinking is not necessarily logical in our terms. Also, its possible he is looking towards China as a potential ally. In particular, against the United States.

China is an ally to nobody, IMO. China will do what is in the best interest of China. Do they want to hitch their trailer to the Putin Express? A runaway train?

I see China sitting back and watching what happens. If Putin wins, Taiwan is in peril. That's another reason why it is so important for the Western world to stay united against Putin.

This is a time where we all have to ask ourselves, "Where do I stand?"

Easy for me to say, here in Texas. But, being this far from Ukraine also makes it easy to ask, "Why should I care?"

The reality is, we are seeing a dictator invading an independent nation... a democracy. Their President, a comedian who ran for office and won. If that's not democracy, what is? Kind of proves what I have long believed, comedians are the smartest people.

Europeans are going to pay a heavier price, but there is nothing new about that. You have always paid more for $#IT than we do.

As for oil and gas, we Texans have you covered. We have a very large surplus of that. Hopefully, there will be deals made, and price controls put in place. That's what I want, but it's out of my control.

So basically, beating Putin isn't going to be free, and maybe not cheap. But IMO, well worth it.

The Ukrainian President leaves a lot to be desired and calling it a democracy is being generous. Nevertheless it begins. Next will be cyber attach's. After that, targeting designated military defenses. Will it get to a shooting war with NATO that's the question.
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I can't begin to put in to words how much the situation in Ukraine affects me. It's already ruined this year for sure.
It’s obvious that it’s much more disheartening for you, being geographically so much closer, so I can only really say that I understand a little how you’re feeling, and I wish you were doing better.

I find that in general, the older I get, especially now that I’m on the backside of my life, I’m more…I don’t know what the word is…angry will do, I suppose, mixed with a good dose of sadness, that here we are again, looking at a war in Europe, due to some maniac with delusions of past “greatness,” and nothing ever seems to change. Different decade, same song, and it gets old fast.

I wish I had something more cheerful than that, but I don’t. Stay strong.
It’s obvious that it’s much more disheartening for you, being geographically so much closer, so I can only really say that I understand a little how you’re feeling, and I wish you were doing better.

I find that in general, the older I get, especially now that I’m on the backside of my life, I’m more…I don’t know what the word is…angry will do, I suppose, mixed with a good dose of sadness, that here we are again, looking at a war in Europe, due to some maniac with delusions of past “greatness,” and nothing ever seems to change. Different decade, same song, and it gets old fast.

I wish I had something more cheerful than that, but I don’t. Stay strong.
It's going to get nasty. Putin is playing chess. He's sent peacekeepers into rebel held territory in Ukraine so now he has boots in Ukraine acting as peacekeepers, now what's the response going to be to that, specifically by Ukraine or it's allies? Major sanctions by NATO and the US. will happen, are happening, but Russia supplies both with oil, probably not for long though. It's going to hit the fan. Diplomacy will it work?
The Ukrainian President leaves a lot to be desired and calling it a democracy is being generous. Nevertheless it begins. Next will be cyber attach's. After that, targeting designated military defenses. Will it get to a shooting war with NATO that's the question.

Ukraine has a lot of problems on its own, but it is a democracy. The Ukrainian people deserve the chance to decide their own future, for better or worse.

It's going to get nasty. Putin is playing chess. He's sent peacekeepers into rebel held territory in Ukraine so now he has boots in Ukraine acting as peacekeepers, now what's the response going to be to that, specifically by Ukraine or it's allies? Major sanctions by NATO and the US. will happen, are happening, but Russia supplies both with oil, probably not for long though. It's going to hit the fan. Diplomacy will it work?
You're not exactly helping to brighten the mood 🙄 do you realise how this feels 1200 km from the Ukraine border?
You're not exactly helping to brighten the mood 🙄 do you realise how this feels 1200 km from the Ukraine border?

I'm as worried as you. In fact, I'm rather frightened. Its a complex situation. I'm not sure any of us can brighten the mood right now. I think its a case of waiting to see what happens at the moment.
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