Using Citric acid to make mozzarella???


Senior Member
30 Dec 2017
Local time
9:14 AM
Okay on my first day here I said I can not for the life of me find rennet in Egypt and ordering it out of the country is to expensive. Someone here suggested pure citric acid. So I got pure citric acid in granules but I can't find a recipe that calls for just citric acid and no rennet T-T. Is there no hope to make mozzarella with plain pure citric acid? I mean mozzarella not any other kind but mozzarella. So can someone pretty please tell me how to make it if I can make it.
I don't think you'll have much luck making Mozzarella without renet, but Mascarpone should be do-able.
These are the recipes that came with my cheese making kit:


Sorry, I can't work out how to get the bottom picture the right way up - I've tried rotating it before saving and it still comes out on it it's side no matter what I do!

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I don't think you'll have much luck making Mozzarella without renet, but Mascarpone should be do-able.
These are the recipes that came with my cheese making kit:


Sorry, I can't work out how to get the bottom picture the right way up - I've tried rotating it before saving and it still comes out on it it's side no matter what I do!

Fixed the image. Looks like the second image is ricotta not mascarpone?
Thank you or all your advice and recommendations. They are all much appreciated ^-^ I ended up just making a delicious pancetti cheese because mozzarella requires rennet. I will either finally find rennet some where here in Egypt or have my sister brings some from the US when she comes to visit me in summer. Until them I'll just stick with all the other recipes where rennet is not needed.
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