Recipe Vegetable Paella


26 Aug 2020
Local time
4:16 AM
Vegetable Paella

Serves 6-8 | Preparation ~45 minutes

Ingredients / Paella Base
4-5 tablespoons evoo​
2 medium-sized yellow/brown onions​
9-10 garlic cloves​
1 red chil(l)i pepper​
5 tablespoons white wine vinegar​
25 g (a big handful) of fresh parsley​
400 ml (~320 g) medium grain rice/paella rice (Arborio/risotto rice will do but long grain rice is not suitable)​
1000 ml ready-made vegetable stock​
3 teaspoons dried tomato flakes (or 2-3 teaspoons tomato paste)​
3 teaspoons paprika/bell pepper powder​
2-3 bay leaves​
1 teaspoon turmeric​
0,5-1 teaspoon black pepper​
(A pinch of saffron)​

Instructions / Paella Base

Slice and dice the onion and chop the garlic. Deseed and cut the chil(l)i into tiny shreds. Cook the onions, garlic and chili in a paella pan or high-edged skillet/frying pan in oil on medium-high heat for 4-5 minutes. Set the range/stove/cooker to low heat. Add the parsley and white wine vinegar and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add the rice and seasonings and mix. Add the vegetable stock and roll over the pan gently to level the rice. Check the salt and bring to boil. Let simmer for ~20 minutes without a lid until the rice is almost cooked (and there is just a thin layer of liquid on top). Don’t stir while cooking as the aim is to keep the rice loose (not to release the starch). Add more vegetable stock or water if all liquid has absorbed or evaporated before the ~20 min cooking time has ended. Prepare the veggies while the paella is simmering.

Ingredients / Fried Zucchinis/Courgettes
150 ml canola/rapeseed oil​
100 ml evoo (or 50 ml evoo and 50 ml macadamia nut oil)​
500 g (~2 middle-sized courgettes/zucchinis)​
5 tablespoons plain flour/APF​
40 g Parmesan cheese or hard vegetable cheese (100-110 ml when grated)​
4-5 tablespoons milk or almond/cashew/soy milk​
0,5 teaspoon baking powder​
0,5-1 teaspoon salt​
0,5 teaspoon black pepper​
1 egg (or 3 tablespoons evoo or aquafaba or 2 teaspoons corn starch and 3 tablespoons water)​

Instructions / Fried Courgettes/Zucchinis

Cut the unpeeled courgettes into 9-10 cm long pieces and make holes in the middle with an apple-corer: this makes the batter stick easier and makes the slices resemble prawns/shrimp. Slice the pieces thinly (0,7-0,9 cm/0,3 inch). Mix the rest of the ingredients; the batter should be quite thick and sticky. Mix the slices with the batter. Heat the combined oils in a pan/skillet (on medium-high heat). Fry the courgette slices in three or four badges for ~2 minutes per side until they’re done and crispy. Turn/flip the slices e.g. with a fork. Place the fried slices on top of kitchen paper on a plate to drain.

The Rest of the Ingredients
240 g (~6 pieces) drained, canned artichoke hearts​
120 g (a big handful) drained large capers​
60 g (~110 ml) whole, peeled pistachios​
25 g (a big handful) of fresh parsley for garnish​
1 lemon for garnish​

Instructions / Assembly

Remove the stems and cut the capers into halves. Cut the artichoke hearts into quarters and chop the parsley. If you like, cut off (and nibble) tiny, slanted pieces of the courgette slices to make them look even more like prawns/shrimp. Add the fried courgette slices, artichokes, capers and whole pistachios on top of the paella after cooking it for ~20 minutes. Don’t stir. Cover the paella with foil and let it rest for 15 minutes. Garnish with chopped parsley and lemon slices and serve.




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I like how the pistachios add a nice crunch; I think they'd work really well with the artichoke hearts and capers.

Stay tuned, I have a Pistachio Recipe in mind that includes Artichoke. I may not get it posted before the end of the challenge though - as it requires me to try a few technical things I have never done before.
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