Recipe Virginia Ham Egg Cups


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
9:50 AM
Virginia Ham Egg Cups


  • Vegetable oil
  • 2 slices Virginia ham
  • 2 heaped teaspoons crumbly cheese
  • 2 duck eggs
  • Dark soy sauce
  • Salt and black pepper

In two recesses of a muffin tin form a cup with the sliced ham.

Crumble the cheese into the bottom of the cup.

Cook in an oven at 200°C until the cheese melts.

Allow to cool a little then break a duck egg into each cup. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and a couple of dashes of soy sauce.

Return to the oven and cook until the white of the egg solidifies.

Virginia Ham Egg Cups


  • Vegetable oil
  • 2 slices Virginia ham
  • 2 heaped teaspoons crumbly cheese
  • 2 duck eggs
  • Dark soy sauce
  • Salt and black pepper

In two recesses of a muffin tin form a cup with the sliced ham.

Crumble the cheese into the bottom of the cup.

Cook in an oven at 200°C until the cheese melts.

Allow to cool a little then break a duck egg into each cup. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and a couple of dashes of soy sauce.

Return to the oven and cook until the white of the egg solidifies.

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Its difficult to get eggs right in the oven.
That’s so true, and no recipe ever acknowledges that. I had a complex for years over baking eggs because the recipe would give an amount of time and never warn about how, in 15 seconds, they can go from perfect to hard-cooked.
That’s so true, and no recipe ever acknowledges that. I had a complex for years over baking eggs because the recipe would give an amount of time and never warn about how, in 15 seconds, they can go from perfect to hard-cooked.

I seriously overcooked the eggs the first time I made Shakshouka. I no longer use the oven for that. Just the stovetop and a glass lid.

I seriously overcooked the eggs the first time I made Shakshouka. I no longer use the oven for that. Just the stovetop and a glass lid.

I think the first time I did that, I was amazed at how an egg could look soft-cooked, but be hard-cooked all the way through. :laugh:
I think the first time I did that, I was amazed at how an egg could look soft-cooked, but be hard-cooked all the way through. :laugh:

Yup. The exact same thing happened to me. The eggs looked perfect, but the yolks were hard and dry.

I think he mentioned that he wasn't happy with how the eggs turned out.


There was a basic problem from the start. The muffin/bun tins weren't big enough for the ingredients. Chicken eggs would have been better but I didn't have any. To add to that, one of the yolks broke when I was decanting it into the ham cup and then the eggs became overcooked. I used the halogen oven for the two stages (melting the cheese and solidifying the egg white) so I could keep mt eye on them during the processes but I failed.

Next time I shall use ramekins which are larger and should work better. I may even try cooking the eggs in two stages, first the white then add the yolk later. I can see me using a lot of eggs and ham before I get this right.

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