What are you wearing today (2024)?


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
3:45 PM
Ohio, US
I had to customize ZZ Top for today’s outing:

V-neck, corduroys
I’m the envy of the other boys


Sock suspenders, orthopedic shoes
There’s no way that I can lose


The girls are laughing just as loud as they can
“Look, there he is, it’s that crazy old man!”


(I’ve really got to brush that hat!)
Say hello to my furry diplomat
Bigger than a mouse, but smaller than a cat
Just look at my head…oh dear, do not dread
I merely want to show off my hat*!


*The maker refers to this particular bonnet as The Furry Diplomat

Why, is it too "normal" for you? I'd wear that hat. Oh, that's probably why you don't like it. :facepalm:

I don’t think I’d say “normal,” probably more like “stylish.”

There’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s just too…blah. I need some pizzazz! 🤗 <— that’s jazz hands.
Figured I better document this, as I wear a winter hat like this about once every 10 years:

View attachment 109103
Good looking chook! Here’s mine. My mother knit it years ago.
Funny story. She used to sit and knit and send bags of hats, mittens and socks up to the Northern communities.
She always had small balls of yarn left over so she started knitting these funky toques by just reaching in blindly and pulling out a ball and knitting another stripe. I had one for years and lost it. Anyhoo, after we bought the house from my siblings there was still most of the contents. One day I was reaching in a cubby hole heading down the stairs to the basement I found a whole bag of these hats. Lol. Gave most of them away and now I have a back up.
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Shorts and a T shirt today. This time last year I was freezing my ***** off in the UK, bundled up like a Michelin Man, hating every second of it. Give me sunshine and 25C any day of the year!

I'm in shorts and T shirt too (its about 3 C outside) - but that is because I'm unable to go out due to broken leg etc. Its really warm in the house, so why wear anything more?
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