What Did You Really Want For Christmas?


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
8:44 PM
What did you really want for Christmas?

I could tell you that I wanted a Canon EOS R5 and accessories, but that will come in time. That camera has been on back order for some time now anyway.

What I wanted is to see my fellow Americans wise up to long term consequences of the continued political rivalries, to see them work together to ensure a prosperous future for the USA, instead of lashing out at each other for personal short term gains. I want to see the Coronavirus Pandemic die down and disappear so that some degree of normalcy is re-established and small business will again flourish and people will be able to pursue careers and jobs and the mesh of healthy social interactions that must exist for a nation to be healthy. I wanted to see more politicians behave like public servants instead of careerists looking to advance their own individual wealth and power.

I wanted to see more of that "Peace on Earth, Good Will" thing.

What did you want for Christmas?
What did you really want for Christmas?

I could tell you that I wanted a Canon EOS R5 and accessories, but that will come in time. That camera has been on back order for some time now anyway.

What I wanted is to see my fellow Americans wise up to long term consequences of the continued political rivalries, to see them work together to ensure a prosperous future for the USA, instead of lashing out at each other for personal short term gains. I want to see the Coronavirus Pandemic die down and disappear so that some degree of normalcy is re-established and small business will again flourish and people will be able to pursue careers and jobs and the mesh of healthy social interactions that must exist for a nation to be healthy. I wanted to see more politicians behave like public servants instead of careerists looking to advance their own individual wealth and power.

I wanted to see more of that "Peace on Earth, Good Will" thing.

What did you want for Christmas?
I'd be happy to settle for that. Almost.
Being an atheist I don't expect anything that amounts to a miracle but it's fun to wish things happen. Christmas or not, my very first in the wish list is North Korea getting all the sanctions lifted. It may sound funny, I know, but I always think how the common person in NK would be living without access to anything that makes life a little bit easier. They don't even have proper internet, no opportunity of getting a proper education, no way of making some money on the internet like freelancing, no technology, nothing like that. And whole generations live and die without them. I really feel for them. The innocent victims of political games.
Being an atheist I don't expect anything that amounts to a miracle but it's fun to wish things happen. Christmas or not, my very first in the wish list is North Korea getting all the sanctions lifted. It may sound funny, I know, but I always think how the common person in NK would be living without access to anything that makes life a little bit easier. They don't even have proper internet, no opportunity of getting a proper education, no way of making some money on the internet like freelancing, no technology, nothing like that. And whole generations live and die without them. I really feel for them. The innocent victims of political games.

I agree. Whilst my natural inclination is to left wing politics, I can't accept such a loss of freedom. For anyone who isn't aware, here is a brief overview:

North Korea: Everything you need to know about the country - CBBC Newsround
I agree. Whilst my natural inclination is to left wing politics, I can't accept such a loss of freedom.

I am, have been and always will be a moderate. I am to that extent, an independent voter. I believe strongly in diversity of peoples as a virtue, not something to be feared in light of cultural, ethnic and racial differences. I have a modified Darwinistic viewpoint, modified by the reality that human beings adapt to each others presence and can do so in positive ways while supporting each others failings.

Political leadership in the world is rarely the tenure of moderation, but of serving the cliche, the identity group and most especially, the notion of an upper class group who hold power, viewing those not in that group as inferior and ignorant, stupid and nuisances, good only for servitude. This has been far too often the roots of wars and unrest in the world. And make no mistake, I have been a soldier and will defend the best chance I see for a moderate world, working democracy. Yet I have no intent or desire to force that on anybody. It is a form of government that has a basis in choice, not submission.

My best Christmas wish would be for the increasing reality of a more moderate world.
My best Christmas wish would be for the increasing reality of a more moderate world.

I'm in moderate agreement there! :) Sadly, I'm not sure it will happen. Extremism is out there in many forms and guises, be it religious, political or blind prejudice. I'm quite a positive person but lately I'm becoming disillusioned. I fear for future generations.

Sorry - I just got all bleak! :ohmy:
I want all children of the world to be able to go to school. That is my "Miss Universe-style" wish albeit a true one and I'd love to live to see the day that dream comes true.

My more personal wish is just peace of mind for myself.
I'm in moderate agreement there! :) Sadly, I'm not sure it will happen. Extremism is out there in many forms and guises, be it religious, political or blind prejudice. I'm quite a positive person but lately I'm becoming disillusioned. I fear for future generations.

Sorry - I just got all bleak! :ohmy:

I wonder what our old soldiers would think about this new woke and snowflakes?? I really do.

Ons brighter note I had everything I could ever want yesterday, family and friends. And enough to satisfy our appetites.
As an aside I got 3 brand new tops for wearing out, and two brand new singlets in black. Kids clubbed together for me and the wife to pick any restaurant in town for the new year, they will pick up the tab.
Awesome day.

I didn't get many presents - and I only asked for a pizza slicer. What I really want for Christmas (+ every other day) is that nothing bad happens to my loved ones (or myself) and life goes on smoothly. In Utopy-land there is no evil and everything is perfect for everybody for eternity <smirk>.

OT: The best presents were a pair of woollen handmade socks and a pizza slicer.
What I really want for Christmas is that some people don’t have to fight for a piece of bread or a warm meal, that don’t have to be or feel alone or forgotten by their “loved ones”, that don’t have to feel the weight of life on their shoulders, that don’t have to think of themselves as a failure..
It goes without saying, the above so I'll not add to it.

I could tell you that I wanted a Canon EOS R5 and accessories,
you and me both....

I had looked at upgrading my Canon Powershot G7X mk ii but the newer models have not changed enough to warrant an upgrade unless I double the cost of the camera. Even the camera shop said not to bother! I did briefly look at the Sony Cybershot Series but again I'd need to double the cost... So I'll wait another year. I have both that and my EOS 5D mk iii to fall back to along with 2 pro series lenses, and custom hand-made Lee filters (various soft and hard graduated ND filters and polarising filters), no to mention the ones that the Powershot G7X Mk ii replaced (including G7X, G9X & G11) so I'm not exactly short on choice!

I got what I asked for which was for a set of dpns (double pointed needles) (6 each of 2.00mm through to 3.25mm) and a 3 month yarn club subscription (tasmanian company) which will give me 6 skeins of sock yarn that isn't available to buy commercially. They will be 1 off custom hand-dyed 100g skeins, 2 each month for Jan, Feb and March.

I also got 4x $25 gift certificates for a wool shop in Sydney (online) which I was able to combine with their Boxing Day sale and get a magnetic chart keeper which will allow me to keep track of my patterns and rows on charts better as I knit (socks and cardigans in 4ply at the moment). I always have a pair of socks on my needles. Additionally I picked up 3 more skeins of sock yarn (not Australian made or aussie wool, but still fair trade so it's a start. The shop sadly lacking in the less common brands but it was a shop hubby found I had recently used because they stock Rowan wool and magazines and a pattern I wanted was only available in a back edition of a Rowan magazine) plus a couple of new interchangable needles needed after the set I'm using to knit a 4ply cardigan in broke just before Christmas. Guess who only had 1 pair in that size. (for those who don't knit, they are likes spanners. You can't simply swap to the next size up or down and expect it to work. It doesn't and won't.)

Then there was a few stocking fillers.

Hubby got what he asked for which was a new mobile phone, case, headphones and screen protector. Yeah, he only asked for the phone but the others I consider essential accessories so ...

My chooks didn't ask for anything but continue to demand food every time they see you! You'd think we starve them. They continue to give eggs as presents but haven't worked out wrapping or stockings. Instead we play hunt the eggs... and the eggs go to the local food bank for distribution to the needy. We send roughly 5-7 dozen a week that way.
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