What do you do with leftover grits?


30 Jan 2015
Local time
4:01 AM
In my house we do not eat grits very often but when we do there is always some leftover. I hate to throw food out but leftover grits do not taste very good to me. I found a recipe to make oats and grits muffins which did not sound too good to me but I gave a try and was surprised that they were much better than I thought they wold be. They passed the taste the kids ate them.

What do you do with leftover grits?
The muffins idea sounds good. I don't recall having extra grits recently. I've had them a few times in the past, and I've used them in corn casseroles. I just folded them into the mixture once it was ready to go into the oven, and that turned out pretty tasty.
I probably throw away too much too. I tend to over cook the amount of food that I need. Some things are good as leftovers and somethings just aren't. Those things get thrown out. Glad you found the muffin idea though and that it passed the taste test. You will have to try cutting back on the amount of grits that you make if you always have leftovers.
I have to confess that I can't eat cold porridge at all. It gets thrown. I can't even finish a bowl of porridge if it has gone cold. (Ironically I can easily eat oats soaked in milk overnight and eaten uncooked and cold, go figure!). I understand hens love the stuff!
I have to confess that I can't eat cold porridge at all. It gets thrown. I can't even finish a bowl of porridge if it has gone cold. (Ironically I can easily eat oats soaked in milk overnight and eaten uncooked and cold, go figure!). I understand hens love the stuff!

Oatmeal, grits or any other cooked hot cereal that has gone cold gets the boot!!

Mainly oatmeal, because I just can't stand to look at or eat that slime that develops after it got cold!! :headshake::stop:
Grits isn't something we tend to have in the UK, but we do have Polenta which is somewhat similar. With polenta, you can either serve it as a creamy 'porridge' or leave it to get cold and then cut it into squares and fry it. Perhaps that could work with grits...
This is according to wiki -

Grits is a food made by boiling ground maize (also known as corn), and usually served with other flavorings as a breakfast dish, usually savory. It is popular in the Southern United States. Grits is of Native American origin, and is similar to other thick maize-based porridges from around the world such as polenta.
Hominy - ‎Polenta - ‎Shrimp and grits
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