What Happened Here?


Wannabe TV Chef
19 Nov 2021
Local time
5:51 PM
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
There have been times when I've made something a couple of times and for some strange reason, this last time came out, well, for lack of a better term, a fail in my eyes.
My DH says that I'm far too critical of my cooking/baking/grilling/preserving, that this [insert item here] looks fine, "I'd eat that."
I thought that I'd throw this out there to get feed back from the kind, knowledgeable, capable folks here at CD.


I made two "half-sized" Bundt cakes with one recipe.
Glazed one to share with my Neighborhood Gal Pals, and frozen the other, unglazed.


I de-frost that second cake in the `fridge over night, took it out the following afternoon and applied the same glaze, which I had also frozen and then de-frosted.
WHAT HAPPENED HERE?! :headshake:
The above photo is the cake after sitting on the kitchen counter, covered, for about an hour.
I took this cake to Bingo to share, and it was gone in a heartbeat.
Why would the glaze "sink" into parts of the cake, mostly where the fresh Cranberries are poking through the cake.
It tasted the same as the previous, gorgeous cake, but the looks of it ... WTH???!!!
I don’t know, I’d guess the fruit as it defrosted released it’s juices (you know how when you defrost anything with liquid in it, it tends to separate releasing the liquids part first) and made wet holes under the fruit that the icing could flow down more readily.
Or perhaps something happened to the frozen glaze? I’ve never frozen that before so not sure.

Your husbands right though, I’d eat it.
I suppose that’s how we all ended up here though, always perfecting and looking for improvements and that’s satisfying isn’t it.
I don’t know, I’d guess the fruit as it defrosted released it’s juices (you know how when you defrost anything with liquid in it, it tends to separate releasing the liquids part first) and made wet holes under the fruit that the icing could flow down more readily.
Or perhaps something happened to the frozen glaze? I’ve never frozen that before so not sure.

Your husbands right though, I’d eat it.
I suppose that’s how we all ended up here though, always perfecting and looking for improvements and that’s satisfying isn’t it.
You're absolutely right SandwichShortOfAPicnic !!
I like what foods that I present look appetizing, that's what my DH says, if it doesn't look good, I'm not going to eat it.
Now, it's not that I'm looking for perfection, because I'm far from that, but for myself, I appreciate a nice looking plate of food.
You're absolutely right SandwichShortOfAPicnic !!
I like what foods that I present look appetizing, that's what my DH says, if it doesn't look good, I'm not going to eat it.
Now, it's not that I'm looking for perfection, because I'm far from that, but for myself, I appreciate a nice looking plate of food.
I have a terrible habit of after people saying something was tasty me then saying what could have been better or improved on next time, doesn’t mean I haven’t enjoyed it, just always thinking about tweaks!
Yeah, I hear ya @SandwichShortOfAPicnic. I can't just take the compliment and be quiet.
I think I’m the polar opposite of you both - on the rare occasions I make something for someone else, I expect to hear nothing but good things, even if they have to lie; otherwise, it’ll be, “What? WHAT?!?! You thought it was ‘a little dry?!?!’ You know what else is ‘a little dry?!’ My foot goin’ right up your—!” :laugh:
I should have titled this thread, "Kitchen Fails" ... anyone else have these scratch your head, what the heck happened here moments?
Everyone does. Usually mine happen when I'm drunk cooking but there have been sober moments too. I'll make sure to post here next time it happens.
my suspicion is . . . "froze the glaze"

concoction of sugar&fat, got frozed, separated on thaweded . . .

I'm not a fan of freezing gravys, sauces, glazes, etc etc. very much almost always they exhibit "odd behaviors" when thawed.
much prefer to re-make from scratch for a frozen delectable . . .
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