What size is your Freezer? Small or Large?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
11:17 PM
Brighton, MA.
Does your freezer fit your needs to help you make ends meet? Is it large enough or small enough to accommodate the things that you keep in it?

They are really an important part of everyday life, as they are very essential in helping you plan your meals from breakfast to lunch to supper. :wink:
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I've got two - one is the bottom part of a large fridge. The other (same size) is a stand alone freezer. I'd say I now have too much space as (miraculously!) my final two kids have moved out. I now have far more stuff than I need - I'm trying to persuade them to take some off my hands but they have limited freezer space. I think I could live off freezer food for several months!
One top freezer on a refrigerator, one side by side and one stand alone deep freezer. All are basically full. But we do make quite a bit of charcuterie.
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If your freezer is too big, then you're likely to create junk - stuff that you might end up throwing out. :headshake:

Yes, I'm in the process of downsizing my freezers. One of the them is a chest freezer and it is a right royal pain because only the top stuff tends to get used.

I have the freezer under the fridge in the kitchen, a shelf freezer in the shed and a chest freezer in the shed. I do also have a bait freezer but I'm not counting that as it doesn't get used for food.

The only problem is that I have every intention of not buying stuff but then my butcher goes and puts things on special, this, that, or the other might look really good in the shops so I end up buying them. It's two steps forward 1.99999 steps back!
I would very much like a basement or garage freezer.

Our current kitchen and garage refrigerator freezer sections are stuffed to the gills, and we waste a lot of food that could have otherwise been frozen for future use.
There is the one on the top side of my fridge and then there is a much too big upright one over by the back door. The freezer came with the house when my mom passed a little over a year ago. She loved to bake and stockpiled shelled pecans, chocoloate chips, frozen ripe bananas and all other kinds of things to bake with. In advance of the holidays it would be filled with baked goods. So now i have her freezer and i tend to use it for over flow for when i find a good deal on something and buy lots of it. But it is too big, i likely would do better with a small chest freezer. But looking at the cost of a chest freezer and the amount of money i could sell this old freezer for i might as well keep the big freezer.
I remember many years in Kuala Lumpur that a friend brought a multitude of products (in a bin bag) from the UK. Far too much for my freezer so I rang a friend. How much room do you have in your freezer? Very little, why? Derek has just brought bacon, sausage and black and white pudding from the UK. I shall make room - chuck a lot of junk out!
We have a medium size chest style, deep freeze. That we acquired when my oldest brother passed that replaced a smaller one we already had.
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One refrigerator that comes with a freezer is plenty for little ol' me. I probably should clean that out and check the expiration dates, as there are probably things in there I haven't looked at in quite a while. I kind of smile when I watch old TV shows like The Honeymooners. They only had an icebox. Glad I don't have to wait for the Iceman to deliver LOL.
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I've got two - one is the bottom part of a large fridge. The other (same size) is a stand alone freezer. I'd say I now have too much space as (miraculously!) my final two kids have moved out. I now have far more stuff than I need - I'm trying to persuade them to take some off my hands but they have limited freezer space. I think I could live off freezer food for several months!

The first thread, I tried to delete it & couldn't. Kept coming out messed up.
This is what I was trying to post,
Small freezer with baskets..jpg
Yes, I'm in the process of downsizing my freezers. One of the them is a chest freezer and it is a right royal pain because only the top stuff tends to get used.

I have the freezer under the fridge in the kitchen, a shelf freezer in the shed and a chest freezer in the shed. I do also have a bait freezer but I'm not counting that as it doesn't get used for food.

The only problem is that I have every intention of not buying stuff but then my butcher goes and puts things on special, this, that, or the other might look really good in the shops so I end up buying them. It's two steps forward 1.99999 steps back!

That is why I don't want another chest freezer. Even though it does a good job in keeping things frozen, it IS a pain in the butt to try to reach things at the bottom!! :headshake:
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