What To Use For Milk


Well-Known Member
25 Apr 2021
Local time
3:55 AM
North Ohio
Quite a few recipes call for milk. Some of these pasta or whatever things, the bags Knorr makes, they mostly call for milk.

Well we don't drink milk. we used to keep evaporated milk in the fridge but it seemed not to last long.

Tried the box milk and something went wrong, plus I don't like the idea of milk not refrigerated especilly after it is open.

Is there a brand of powdered milk good enough ? My only other alternative is to freeze it an icecube try, which I might just do.

A couple of tips. Organic milk has a MUCH longer shelf life than regular milk. Second, mixing milk with a Knorr package of pasta dinner mix is not cooking. You can do better, and do it in a short amount of time. It will be real food without a lot of chemicals, and really, it doesn't take that much time.

I use evaporated milk from time to time and have never had it go bad, even over several weeks. You can't leave it in an open can, even covered with foil or plastic wrap, though. It will dry out.

I keep Carnation in the freezer for use in a few recipes that call for powdered milk and it does well in them. I've never tried reconstituting and using though.

We keep heavy cream in the fridge for weeks and I've never had it go bad. I just mix in a ratio of about 2/3 cream to 1/3 water when I need "milk."
We keep heavy cream in the fridge for weeks and I've never had it go bad. I just mix in a ratio of about 2/3 cream to 1/3 water when I need "milk."
At one point, I had a website bookmarked that covered all the ways to get the dairy product you wanted based on what you had, like how much heavy cream to add to skim milk to make whole milk, how much 2% milk to add to half-and-half to get whole milk, how much 1% milk to add to whole milk to get 2% milk, etc.

It was really specific and very detailed. Now, though, I just guess at it.
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