What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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Legendary Member
12 Mar 2016
Local time
6:00 AM
Shropshire, UK
Given the geographic spread of members I thought it would be good to hear what's going on in gardens around the world!

Here in Shropshire the weekend's snow has pretty much thawed, the temperature being up to a heady 4 deg C now. On the bird feeders we have gold finches, green finches, blue tits, a robin and a few sparrows. Yesterday there was a solitary long-tailed tit. Fruit bushes were pruned last weekend, and an upturned bucket sits over the rhubarb to force it on a bit. Warmer weather is forecast for later in the week, so the first cut of grass will not be far off. There isn't much colour in the garden yet, just a few daffodils and snowdrops. The most impressive is the quince bush - see below. What's going on in your garden right now?

The snow is more or less melted. Daffodils are growing as are some tulip bulbs. The snowdrops came and went. I had the gardener round last week (gardener sounds a bit posh - he is a nice man who only charges £10 an hour and likes gardening). He jet washed the patio which had turned a lurid shade of green. I do intend to do more this year (or rather ask him to do more!). I'd like to grow more herbs and other potted edible things. Plus, I will once again try to grow Morning Glories!

At the front the window boxes are doing well with violas and pansies which are winter hardy. I took this photo yesterday when it was snowing:

I used to hate gardening but as I love cooking I like to have everything handy so I need my herbs etc close, I freeze basil and coriander and dry my own other herbs. I grow my own potatoes as I love new potatoes. I'm pretty good at what I do, so I love cooking for friends etc, love Indian and Italian food. Can't beat your own pasta sauce from tomatoes from your garden , and fresh oregano and basil.

Growing stuff in the garden? I don't know what you mean. :laugh: In the back garden, I do have a hazel tree and an elder tree, and some ivy, but otherwise it's a greyhound's paradise, so no lawn, only the odd clump of grass here and there. Although my hound is quite at home with my three cats, he does not welcome other people's cats with the same enthusiasm - they tend to visit the garden once and never return. However, because of the lack of felines visiting, it is a haven for the local bird life. I have a pair of resident robins, and the garden is always full of sparrows. Mr and Mrs Blackbird are already having a third attempt at nest building now that the weekend's snow has nearly all gone, and the local wood pigeons and collared doves visit frequently. The compost has sprung into life too. The front garden has an apple tree, a very young hazel tree, and an elder tree. There are also blackberries, although because of the stupid weather we've been having for the last few months I still haven't got round to cutting it all back, which may be a great mistake. The buddleia needs cutting back too. Hopefully the weather will improve soon, and I will be able to get out there before too long.
One of my friends is involved with rehoming greyhounds. He has 2. I used to breed German shepherds. I'm away a bit so just the cat who fend for himself when I'm away.
We have crocus and narcissus growing nicely in the front garden, unfortunately after the last lot of snow the crocus are looking a bit worse for wear :(
One of my friends is involved with rehoming greyhounds. He has 2. I used to breed German shepherds. I'm away a bit so just the cat who fend for himself when I'm away.
There are a few greyhound owners from New Zealand in the greyhound groups I belong to. I've had two German shepherds, 2 rough collies, a couple of spaniel crosses, and a lurcher over the years before I got my greyhound. My Mum used to breed Scotties. At the moment I only have 3 cats, two are getting on in years, and one is very elderly.
Shepherds and King Charles took advantage of me,lol. But seriously my cat that's not my cat eats well. Salmon steak chicken , he does well for a stray.

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