Which fruit is preferred to cure lung problems?


10 Nov 2013
Local time
10:19 AM
Hello all,

I came up with a question now. I wanted to know which fruit is best for those who suffer from mild/severe lung problems because I'm one of them. Basically I don't prefer eating fruits because I pay least attention towards them. As I'm stuck up by a small problem recently it is made mandatory for me to include fruits in my diet. So I was curious to take few advises from you guys whether which fruit is best suited for lung problems.
I heard that citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes and apples are very good for people with lung problems. Use Google to find more information about it but I don't recommend trusting the internet too much because it's not always the most reliable source of info, better ask your doctor.
Yeah! Thanks for your valuable advice mate. I thought it would be better if I take few opinions of people regarding this because I do accept that trusting the info from the net is not always suggestible. There may be people who had such experiences with them and I expect they may come up with genuine info and this is the reason for posting my doubt here.
Okay! Thank you for your share mate. I heard in the other forum that intake of high amount of meat can make our lung healthier :O I wonder about this and is this really true? Can anyone answer me?
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