Who knows what this is?


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
2:35 AM
Any Ideas?

Spoiler to be added later.​

- - - - - - - Geldof
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Hmm.. How many sprouts does it take for the cyanide to take effect?:whistling:
You run the chance of increasing the amount if you should burn them. Greatest in raw sprouts, so dry them out and powder them down
! in an investigation it was found that the urine passed in 3 ½ hours by persons who had previously partaken of cabbage and brussels sprouts at the immediately previous meal, contained from 1.6 to 8.6 mg of sodium cyanide.5 Prior to the meal the urines were free from cyanide."

I have seen the banana peel, partialy dried out out in the sun, actually responsible for killing a sheep, Again it was down to Sodium Cyanide produced. We'd to burn it after.
It has a high water content and is marginally sweet. It has a very good supply of amino acids and I don't know. I will have to have a better think about this one overnight.
I think it is a yellow, orange or red colour off the top of my head, but I am settling with an orange for the moment. That being my answer not the colour.
You run the chance of increasing the amount if you should burn them. Greatest in raw sprouts, so dry them out and powder them down
! in an investigation it was found that the urine passed in 3 ½ hours by persons who had previously partaken of cabbage and brussels sprouts at the immediately previous meal, contained from 1.6 to 8.6 mg of sodium cyanide.5 Prior to the meal the urines were free from cyanide."
View attachment 1065
Not sure how to go about drying and powdering sprouts (my, this is getting strange). Wouldn't drying them decrease toxicity?
Mortar & Pestle used to grind the leaves down. Sprinkle over/into whatever you want then.

I've eaten them raw, something my farming relatives would never do.
Mortar & Pestle used to grind the leaves down. Sprinkle over/into whatever you want then.

I've eaten them raw, something my farming relatives would never do.

But how do I dry them? Do I put them in a low oven, overnight... or would the microwave come into its own? Do you think the taste of freshly ground dried sprouts might be easily detected?
It has a high water content and is marginally sweet. It has a very good supply of amino acids and I don't know. I will have to have a better think about this one overnight.
I think it is a yellow, orange or red colour off the top of my head, but I am settling with an orange for the moment. That being my answer not the colour.
Orange is on the right track, I think.
But how do I dry them? Do I put them in a low oven, overnight... or would the microwave come into its own? Do you think the taste of freshly ground dried sprouts might be easily detected?
Try it and find out. Say its something else.

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