Who still has a fruit bowl?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:23 AM
SE Australia
I came across an article that suggested we should ditch the fruit bowl in favour of a fruit plate. I guess the concept makes sense because the bowl we use is porcelain and if there are bananas in it, which there usually is/are, I tend to end up with fruit in a whole load of other places, such as ripening on the counter next to the fruit bowl, in the big fridge in the house stopping the fruit getting too ripe, being stored in the garage fridge (it's pear harvest time at the moment) and in the mud room also ripening... not to mention still on the fruit trees themselves, or on the freezer.

‘Fruit bowls are out’: the best ways to store fresh produce, according to experts | Food waste | The Guardian

“Fruit bowls are out. They’re a relic of the past and they’re doing you an injustice,” insists Truong, a produce expert who wrote an entire book on food storage tips.

That’s because deep fruit bowls trap ethylene – a natural gas emitted by ripening produce, which also speeds up ripening in nearby fruits. One juicy peach at the bottom of your fruit bowl could turn its bedfellows in a matter of days, forcing you to eat everything at once or risk ditching it.

In fact, I think I've got fruit almost everywhere except for in the fruit bowl.

We did used to have a banana hanger but for some reason don't anymore. I'm not sure why.





How do you store your fruit? Do you keep things separate from bananas or just throw everything in one bowl and hope it gets eaten before it goes bad?
I dont eat that much fruit, but when I've got bananas they go on the banana hanger which has a bowl attached underneath where I keep tomatoes and avocados. My berries, citrus, and apples are in the refrigerator. I eat way more vegetables than I do fruits in general though.
I dont eat that much fruit, but when I've got bananas they go on the banana hanger which has a bowl attached underneath where I keep tomatoes and avocados. My berries, citrus, and apples are in the refrigerator. I eat way more vegetables than I do fruits in general though.
It's the start of autumn here, so the pears, lemons, figs, apples and raspberries (2nd crop is just starting) are all harvest stuff that I need to preserve. There are also raspberries, strawberries, red currants and apricots in the freezer for storage, again all from our fruit trees. Hubby will eat 2-3 pieces of fruit a day, sometimes more. I'll eat a similar quantity.

The watermelon, nectarines, plums, passionfruit, pomegranates and limes are shop bought to eat this week (well the likes weren't this week, but you know what i mean). I'll also eat some of the fresh figs, but I'm at a loss with all the lemons at rhe moment. 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋. The tree has decided to throw them at me because I wasn't picking them fast enough. I'll try to juice them and freeze that.

But we both eat more veg than fruit. We tend to be around the 8-10 servings a day each.
It's the start of autumn here, so the pears, lemons, figs, apples and raspberries (2nd crop is just starting) are all harvest stuff that I need to preserve. There are also raspberries, strawberries, red currants and apricots in the freezer for storage, again all from our fruit trees. Hubby will eat 2-3 pieces of fruit a day, sometimes more. I'll eat a similar quantity.

The watermelon, nectarines, plums, passionfruit, pomegranates and limes are shop bought to eat this week (well the likes weren't this week, but you know what i mean). I'll also eat some of the fresh figs, but I'm at a loss with all the lemons at rhe moment. 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋 🍋. The tree has decided to throw them at me because I wasn't picking them fast enough. I'll try to juice them and freeze that.

But we both eat more veg than fruit. We tend to be around the 8-10 servings a day each.
Waterme I on i could eat several times day. I love it!

A chef friend of mine in Florida used to freeze watermelon juice in ice cube trays and make fresh squeezed lemonade he would serve with the melon juice cubes. Delicious and refreshing on a hot summer's day.
I buy and eat fruit as and when I fancy it.
The only people who seem to sell fruit worth eating IMO are Marks and Sparks everyone else's fruit I get little joy from, it's obviously picked too long before it's ripe and never develops a good flavour.
Raspberries and blackberries seem generally ok, strawberries unless they're in season I avoid, prepared mango, pineapple and watermelon also seem alrightish. All of those I store in the fridge -soz JAS refrigerator 😉

Marks and Spencer online via ocado are also just as disappointing. I suppose it's all about prolonging shelf life, to it's detriment. Fruit is something I'll buy and eat every day in Spain, I suppose that speaks for itself about our perfectly formed long lasting poor tasting fruit!
Marks and Spencer online via ocado are also just as disappointing. I suppose it's all about prolonging shelf life, to it's detriment. Fruit is something I'll buy and eat every day in Spain, I suppose that speaks for itself about our perfectly formed long lasting poor tasting fruit!
Yeah, that was something we noticed when we moved out here, the fruit is much better with the exception of red/ white/ black/pink currants which you can't buy and blackberries that cost $6.99 for 125g! (Divide by 2 for GBP). But in the UK we used to grow braeburn apples (can't buy braeburn at all here which I do miss), pears, and we used to have a fantastic stand of damson trees that would produce +200kg of fruit a year (as well as blackcurrants and raspberries of course). A good many teachers and staff at the school I worked in got many kg of free damsons every year. Again, we can't get damsons here, but I have finally found a dedicated fruit tree garden centre where I can buy the same type of damson trees to grow our own.

One thing I have found curious is that we prefer the taste of mango in the UK, to the taste of the mango varieties grown here. Here they are very, very sweet with little sharpness but I think it's the varieties grown that's the problem.

I do miss hazelnuts and cobnuts though. We used to grow our own (the UK rental property had 2 acres of old hazel coppice with it...)
I do miss hazelnuts and cobnuts though. We used to grow our own (the UK rental property had 2 acres of old hazel coppice with it...)
As my son has a serious nut allergy I wouldn't miss that at all, probably because I would have seen the trees and not rented it 😂

We have a plum and cherry tree. The plum tree is now diseased which is sad because they were good but at times overwhelming in their abundance.
The cherry tree is huge so the wildlife enjoy it 😝
There's an apple tree in the field but I'm not much of a fan of apples.

Feels nice as a grown up not to have to pretend to like all fruit 😄
Everyone I know has one, including us. I will take a picture of ours later. It's currently filled with pears, banana's and a kiwi. I put them together on purpose because the pears and kiwi weren't as ripe as I would like. And that's not even all the fruit we have! We have two racks with apples and oranges in the storage area too.
We have one, and I was surprised to learn it’s also somewhat valuable.

Well, technically, it’s a salad bowl, but we use it as a fruit bowl. It dates from that time when plastic was new and cool and designers made a lot of interesting things out of it, and now it’s a desirable collectors item. 🤷‍♂️

I’ll get a pic up later.

I chuck apples, oranges, and bananas in it primarily. Any fruit that goes in the fridge (lemons, limes, grapes, cherries) ultimately gets forgotten.
We've got a fruit bowl - inherited from my MIL. At the moment it's full of limes, bananas and a 750gm avocado. There's so much fresh fruit available over here, it hurts :laugh: This morning in the supermarket there were 4 varieties of apple (all imported; apples don't grow here), pineapple, mango, passion fruit, cantaloupe, pawpaw, tamarillo (called "tree tomato"over here), cactus fruit, plums and watermelon.
A friend of mine from the Philippines after she’d been in the UK a while said “what is wrong with your fruit? How does it all taste of water without being juicy?” 😆

I said oh dear I’m so sorry, it’s not sunny enough here, it’s almost all imported so it’s picked and shipped unripe, you won’t get fruit like in the Phillipines.
She was quite homesick and anguished by it so I tried to offer some balm by saying try and buy fruits that are in season and grow in this country, they’re generally cheaper and view it like a jellybean lucky dip, sometimes you get bad bubblegum flavour, sometimes you get blackcurrant, exciting 😬

Things have improved marginally since then but imagine that, coming from the Philippines where her village grow and produce all their own food, it’s a collaborative approach that means that it’s straight from the garden to the plate. What a shock!
I came across an article that suggested we should ditch the fruit bowl in favour of a fruit plate. I guess the concept makes sense because the bowl we use is porcelain and if there are bananas in it, which there usually is/are, I tend to end up with fruit in a whole load of other places, such as ripening on the counter next to the fruit bowl, in the big fridge in the house stopping the fruit getting too ripe, being stored in the garage fridge (it's pear harvest time at the moment) and in the mud room also ripening... not to mention still on the fruit trees themselves, or on the freezer.

‘Fruit bowls are out’: the best ways to store fresh produce, according to experts | Food waste | The Guardian

In fact, I think I've got fruit almost everywhere except for in the fruit bowl.

We did used to have a banana hanger but for some reason don't anymore. I'm not sure why.

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How do you store your fruit? Do you keep things separate from bananas or just throw everything in one bowl and hope it gets eaten before it goes bad?

That's more fruit than I eat in a year... maybe two.
Here’s the fruit bowl, freshly filled:


It’s actually part of a salad bowl set, and we have the smaller bowls and the utensils that go with it. It was her grandmother’s and dates from the 1950’s or early-60’s.
We dont have 1 but we have a small container that has mandarin and tomatos in it. We usually have bananas but thru are gone.. we also have lemons. In not big on fruit.
I also remember my aunty rose ( an alky) and my uncle trevor out family might be round there with adults drinking. Uncle trevor would say the wrong thing then the wax fruit started flying around my poor uncle. Is kids would duck for cover. Funny at the time. But tragic as about 20 years later she jumped off an 8 story building in town.

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