Would you go vegetarian? Are you vegetarian?

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
5:48 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I was vegetarian for many years (from the age of 11) because I hated the idea of eating bits of animals and the fact they were killed for the purpose. I reverted back to meat due to travelling about with a rock band (I wasn't in the band just a hanger-on) - in those days it was impossible to get roadside food that didn't have meat in it.

Now, my youngest (adult) daughter is vegetarian and I cook for her nearly every day. More accurately, she is pescatarian.. but anyway, here we eat vegetarian 3 nights out of 7 (sometimes more). No problem.

If you are vegetarian, tell us why. If you are not vegetarian, would you consider it? Would it be a difficult?
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Yes, its been the downfall of many a would be vegetarian! But I can live without it. Its seafood (oysters in particular) that I can't give up.
I once went to a funeral and church luncheon where one of the daughters was a vegan. I felt so sorry for her. I think she could eat the salad. Everything else had one of the two B's. Either butter or bacon.
Brought up as an omnivore.

But if you are basing being vegetarian because of animals being raised to form part of the food chain, and don't want to see them in pain as a result, think of the plants!
There are other links, but behind subscription/paywalls. That one shouldn't be.

I know what you mean! I'm not particularly basing it on that premise though. It was just that as an 11 yr old, that is why I stopped eating meat. I'm wanting to hear the arguments from vegetarians as to why. And also why not? There might be a good reason 'why not' as it may be unsustainable for the world's population to live on plants alone. I don't know the stats on that. And anyway what will happen to all the farmed species of animals if we don't eat them?

To be honest, I'd go vegetarian easily again (apart from my addiction to oysters). But I can no longer see the logic. And of course I love cooking and meat is one of many ingredients I use.
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I had a friend who was "part" vegetarian (only ate chicken not beef or pork). Two years ago he was diagnosed with cancer and given only 6 months to live. The main thing he missed over the years was bacon so he thought, bugger it, I'm going to have a bacon sandwich. Although he said he really enjoyed it, he didn't enjoy hugging the toilet bowl for the whole night.

[My answer is "No" to both questions - I would really miss bacon]
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