“Was Better When the Old Man Ran it”

Dive Bar Casanova

Senior Member
9 Mar 2019
Local time
7:21 AM
Cupid’s Hot Dogs has been an institution in northern Los Angeles for 80 years.

Old Man Walsh was real particular about steaming a special natural casing dog and bun baked by the 4S bakeries.

He made his own chili that was part his formula mixed with his tamale’ sauce.

He passed on and his kids finally ran the business into the ground.
Filthy, broken premises, bad quality control, changed to cheap-0 buns, customers got sick and now the chain is folding.

So often in food joints it was better when the old man ran it.
I couldn't agree more. We have a local German restaurant that was the pride of the city here. Always named to the 10 Best Beer Gardens in the whole of the US, did a monthly weisswurst buffet, historic old building, fantastic beer and wine selection, knowledgeable bar staff, and the old man spent as much time on the floor with his customers as he did in the kitchen. It was a joy to go, and we usually went two or three times a month, even though it's 45 minutes from the house.

Then the old man took his much-deserved retirement. Within three months, the quality slipped markedly, the monthly buffet was overhauled (with the consensus that all the changes were cost-cutting measures, though the price for the customer went up), the bar staff was almost entirely replaced by people who knew nothing about German beers and wines, nor had any inkling as to working behind a busy bar.

Now, a couple of years on, they still advertise as a German restaurant, but they're as much a sports bar as anything. Not only makes me sad, it makes me %#*@ mad! 😡
Same old story, the old man builds the business, kids blow it all. My fave burger bar was run by an old bloke who served me over a 25 year period, real funny bloke who loved talking really loud, always talking while cooking. Best burgers and fries by a long street. Rent went up and the owner leased it to someone else, building was empty within 6 months. Been about 20 different businesses in there since. All failures. I drive past this place regularly and I'm always a bit reminiscent of good times and food. Think of a loud baritone? Voice, that was him.

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