A couple of ways to eat a Banana


3 May 2014
Local time
12:53 PM
Don't know how many people are aware of this, but I just was introduced to it by a friend not too long ago, and thought I would share it on this forum. So bananas are an awesome fruit as we all know. But, did you know that there are a couple of ways to eat it?

The first way is the traditional peel the skin off and eat the banana whole. The second way is to peel the banana and then put your finger at the very tip of the banana, then slowly work your finger down through the tip and into the center. The banana will split into three equal parts, and each part will have a slightly different flavor! Try it, it's pretty cool.
Most people peel the banana from the stem down, but I've heard that peeling from the tip is less messy. I tried it, but the tip tends to have some scabby sort of plant matter in it even if the peeling process itself is less of a mess, so it's a give-and-take.

Sometimes I break off a section of banana, instead of bite it off. Then it shows the natural sections that you mentioned, but I haven't noticed that each part has a slightly different flavor. I should pay more attention next time!
Oooh, I always do the traditional method but I've never thought of the second method you've said. This is interesting, and because we have a couple of bananas we could eat, I'm going to try this out, haha.
I use the traditional way when eating a banana. The second way sounds amazing and now I want to try that way when I get me some bananas today. Thanks for sharing.
I actually ate a banana from breakfast this morning, but I did peel it first. I have never heard of this before but I will try it out. I've heard some other pretty crazy things about bananas as well. For example, the banana peel itself can allegedly whiten your teeth if you rub the peel directly on them. I have no idea if there is any real validity to this claim though.
I used to love bananas but for some unknown reason the past couple or so of years I have found the smell quite nauseating. My colleague eats a banana at work every morning and it makes me feel queasy. There is nothing wrong with bananas so not sure what the problem is.
I used to love bananas but for some unknown reason the past couple or so of years I have found the smell quite nauseating. My colleague eats a banana at work every morning and it makes me feel queasy. There is nothing wrong with bananas so not sure what the problem is.

Perhaps it's the variety of banana? I'm okay with cavendish, most other varieties that are similar, and even those huge fat cooking bananas...but I can't stand these small sickly-sweet variety that in my town are called signoritas.
MoniqueS, yes the banana peel against the teeth does work! I've tried it before, and I can see a noticeable difference after a few days. Also, coconut oil capsules are very good for your teeth, among other parts of your body and immune system.
Perhaps it's the variety of banana? I'm okay with cavendish, most other varieties that are similar, and even those huge fat cooking bananas...but I can't stand these small sickly-sweet variety that in my town are called signoritas.[/QUOT

Last year on holiday we had a fruit cocktail in a hollowed out green coconut and it contained bite size slices of banana and they tasted very nice. The ones we get in the supermarket are very sickly sweet so yes that may well be it.
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