Recipe A green salad with a little twist


19 Jan 2015
Local time
6:29 AM
I recently had a guest in my home and being vegan I had no idea what to offer this person apart from a few snacks like crisps, juice and so forth. I wanted to make a simple salad for my guest that he would enjoy bearing in mind that it would have no meat. This is how I jazzed up the green salad I prepared:

I prepared the lettuce, sliced up some cucumber, had olives in the mix and some pickles.
I then chopped up an onion, chopped up some carrots and tomatoes.
I put some olive oil in a pan, threw in the onion and added some coriander with them, while the onions fried I threw in the carrot cubes and wait for it dropped in some apple vinegar just to add a bit of a kick to it.
I let those brew together for about 2 minutes making sure not to over cook them the added the sliced tomatoes in there for a minute. I shook all those vegetables together added a bit of salt and voila!!!

I placed the lettuce, cucumbers, olives and pickles in a plate and added the concoction of the onions, carrots, tomatoes with some apple vinegar on top as some sort of salad dressing and presented the green salad with a twist to my guest.
He said it was super delicious and even asked how I jazzed the salad up. Feel free to try it out!
Sounds good, and I know what you mean about finding something for meat eater to eat when they visit. To be honest I don't have many guest come over at all now, they know where I stand and they just seem to find it easier to just not come over. Food talk always comes up at some point, and the truth can be hard to deal with for many people.
Yea, it always frustrates me when I get visits from my meat eating friends... some of them sort of expect me to have something meaty in my fridge especially for them!!! Wish is rather odd, I mean why would I keep meat when I don't eat it?
I am a meat eater, but the funny thing is that I really do not have meals when I go to other people's houses or when they come to mine. We normally just snack and there are hardly any meats in the snacks. Really the only people we ever cook for are family members that come over and I can make some good dishes that contain no meat. I have been trying to limit my meat consumption recently because it is getting very pricing at the grocery store.
That's interesting that you did all that - I would have had everything raw and left out the onions. I think it's easy to "Jazz" up a salad as most people just think of lettuce, tomato, and cucumber. I like artichokes and feta cheese (not vegan, I know), grated carrots, and I've even had white beans (from the salad bar at Whole Foods) with my salad. You can add anything you like from broccoli to zucchini.
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