A herb or spice you can't stand


16 Nov 2014
Local time
4:06 AM
Washington, USA
Out of all of the herbs and spices there are in this world, I can honestly say that I hate cumin! The taste does not agree with me and it literally makes me sick to my stomach when I taste it in my food. I am not sure why this is, and I really can't describe what it is about the spice I don't like, other than I think it tastes like a shoe would, if I were to ever get the urge to chew on a shoe! What is the one herb or spice you can't stand?
I do not care for hot peppers. I don't mind other types of heat like ginger or wasabi, in moderation of course, but the Mexican peppers especially are difficult for me to handle. I prefer to stick with medium salsa, or even mild. Hotter ones just aren't that enjoyable.
I really don't care for turmeric. I know it is supposed to be so good for you but the taste is so unappealing to me. In really ruins a dish for me if I can distinguish and taste the turmeric in it.
I am not a fan of coriander. I wish I was, because it is in so many yummy foods. However it tastes old to me... like something at my meal is not fresh! I prefer other herbs with my food, I love herbs in general - just coriander that makes me hesitant.
For me it's cinnamon, ESPECIALLY in excess amounts. Now don't get me wrong, I like cinnamon flavored foods and drinks, but cinnamon itself makes me gag. I once tried cinnamon water/syrup thing at a buffet and it was HORRIBLE.
I do not imagine that cinnamon water would be good and it would make just about anyone gag. @isabbbela I never thought of coriander having an old taste before, but you are completely right in your assessment. I happen to like coriander, but it does have a rather old and not fresh flavor.
not over keen on cloves in its raw state,as it numbs the mouth?but contained in a dish i don't mind it so much
The smell of hot sauce makes me sick of the stomach the same with hot peppers.
I have to agree on cumin tasting bad, but I'd say it's tolerable if you mix it with some other type of food like soup (the other ingredients pretty much drown the bad taste). Despite not being the most pleasant to eat, it provides a lot of nutritional value, so it shouldn't be immediately dismissed, I'd say.
I am not a fan of coriander. I wish I was, because it is in so many yummy foods. However it tastes old to me... like something at my meal is not fresh! I prefer other herbs with my food, I love herbs in general - just coriander that makes me hesitant.
I think this is a case of genetics. Its been proven that there are those to whom coriander tastes wonderful and others to whom it tastes like soap!
I am not an herb lover and the only herb that I know is bay leaf and some others that my husband is planting - mint, lemon grass and some native herbs. From what I remember, the herb odor that annoys me is turmeric - although I am not sure if turmeric is a herb. Anyway, I will ask my husband what herbs he has been using so I can post some clear answers here.
I don't mind any herbs and spices usually, but anything SUPER SPICY like (Ghost Pepper) status spicy I'm a wimpy little kid. I just hate super hot foods, I feel it ruins their base flavoring too much.

If I had to say another spice I dislike it's probably Curry Seasoning (for flavor) but most people tend to go overboard with how much they use and again, it ruins their flavor.
I like cumin; what I don't care for in the least is clove. It's just too strong and I can't handle it. The funny thing is, though I don't like peppers, particularly and especially bell pepper, I love smoked paprika. I don't like seasoning blends with black pepper in them either.
the herb odor that annoys me is turmeric - although I am not sure if turmeric is a herb.
Turmeric is regarded as a spice.

A herb is a leaf or stalk, the greenery of a plant, nothing more.
Spices make up everything else, so flower, berry, bark, stem, (not stalk though there is a difference), root, tuber etc
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