A veggie tray (crudite platter) for lunch?


10 Sep 2013
Local time
10:18 PM
Henderson, Nevada, USA
I'm horrible at eating my vegetables and so now I've started buying a veggie tray (also known as a crudite platter) for lunch and snacking on those instead of high carb items. The veggies in my tray are usually broccoli, carrots, snap beans and celery.

Do you think that is a healthy lunch and would you ever try that as a permanent veggie booster?
I used to eat exactly that, but homemade for lunch every day for years. I'm still here, but I did find that cycling home again in the evening was harder and used to keep something handy to eat around 4pm to give me what I needed in calories to get home. I had a 15 mile round trip daily for 7 years.

I used to add all sorts of things from grapes, celery, carrots, raw peas, nuts & seeds (until my work place banned all nuts due to a child having a severe nut allergy - though we could still walk off school grounds, eat and then come back in!) broccoli, red & green peppers, baby corn etc. The key was to vary the combinations and add little extras such as olives, bread, bread sticks, feta (when I could have dairy), cooked potatoes, hard boiled egg etc. Keep a seperate container handy for some dips - mayo, hummus - different flavours, even pates work.

I also found that it was quite useful as a snack option during the day because if I got peckish at 10am, I could have a few pieces from my lunch without really impacting hugely on lunch itself, but I did find it took a long time to eat it all because you will need much more veg than you realise if you are not to get too hungry during the day a few weeks into this lunch regieme.
Yes a veggie tray does sound like a very healthy lunch. But I want something more... so I might have a plate where I include lots of vegetables but also add meat etc.
If you can fill yourself with just vegetables, good for you!
I also think it sounds like a very healthy option. I would add some hummus for a little protein or a serving of nuts or seeds. Or you could even add some natural almond or peanut butter, you could put it in your celery if you like the combination. Or add a more natural granola bar just made with nuts and fruit. I personally love Larabars, which are primarily made with dates and nuts.
That sounds really nice but I would add some other items like beetroot, cucumbers and tomatoes:)
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