A2 Milk


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:57 AM
SE Australia
Anyone come across it? Found it on the shelves or is it just an Aussie thing?


I'm curious because I'm allergic (not intolerant to) a protein in dairy milk and know that I can tolerate some cheeses in very small quantities which is odd for someone allergic to dairy. I have known the 2nd mouthful of something to put me into (mild) anaphylactic shock and as someone who suffers from breathing issues as it is, anaphylactic shock is not good news. But then neither is excluding all dairy from your diet because it is a very valuable source of calcium and having once had osteoporosis I need to watch that I don't end up back in that category.

A2 milk is basically milk with only the A2 protein in it. Milk has a number of proteins in it, the casein ones are labelled A1 and A2... novel names I know. Now as I understood it, goat's and sheep's milk plus some cow's milk don't contain one of the proteins and initially 20 odd years ago, I could have goat's and sheep's milk but not cow's milk because of the old milk marketing board changes which mixed all milk together before bottling. So I'm wondering now if it is worth trying A2 milk? Is it any cheaper than almond milk which I need to ensure is fortified (so not organic) and need to drink around a litre per day.
Thought the British Dairy Council caused the split amongst the animal milk types!

A bit before he(Colinj) got there, but there was a family who lived up Slack Top, who could only have goats milk, butter the lot. Caused uproar when two farms were stopped from supplying them.

I'll check the A1 versus A2 later today though.
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