Alcohol free


23 Apr 2015
Local time
11:07 PM
Fife, Scotland
I have never seen the point of alcohol free anything. I would no more ask for an alcohol free beer than I would an omelette without eggs.

I'm sure others will have different views...
There is an increasing number of alcahol free versions of drinks. My favourite is Ghostship by Adnams. A nice very low alcahol free beer.
My wife loves the taste of beer and has days, due to medication, when she can't have alcohol, so she has alcohol-free beer.

American alcohol-free beer is very limited and very poor (O'Doul's, etc), but some of the German ones aren't bad at all. Her favorite is Franziskaner's alcohol-free hefe, but it's hard to find here. The last couple of weeks, she's been drinking Erdinger's alcohol-free beer.
I can't give an opinion until I tried it, but as soon as I get the next shopping trip to the supermarket, I'll buy it, I'm very curious now.
So far, it sounds to me like a "beer and soda" taste .. "Shandy" maybe in English? Probably inspired by that?
The options are very limited in the US. It is hard to find the imported AF beers here, too. AF beer just hasn't taken off here. I understand there are a lot more options in Europe, and even in Canada.

Locally, I can usually get O'Doul's, Kaliber, and Beck's. If I want any of the more premium AF beers, I've got to go to a specialty store.
The options are very limited in the US. It is hard to find the imported AF beers here, too. AF beer just hasn't taken off here. I understand there are a lot more options in Europe, and even in Canada.

It's only recently there has been a boom. Just in the past few months. Becks blue has been around for ages and I do like it as a cold beer but now we can get ale, bitter, colder, wines and even a gin and tonic (I've not tried this). Gluten free beers have increased to but I've not seen a no/low alcahol one. Our 'no gluten in the house' rule is relaxed for my alcahol free beers as long as I drink out of the bottle there is no contamination issue.
There is an increasing number of alcahol free versions of drinks. My favourite is Ghostship by Adnams. A nice very low alcahol free beer.

Curiously enough, I am drinking a glass of Ghost Ship at this moment. It is 4.5%, so unless there is another version, I'm a bit mystified as to how that classifies as low alcohol.
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Ah, now I had no idea that there was a low alcohol version of Ghost Ship.

There is, however, not the remotest possibility of my trying it. Beer is beer.
I should like to stress that I am not one of those people that is of the opinion, "If it's less than 5%, it's no good." Indeed, this is one of the reasons I let my CAMRA membership expire many years ago. I got tired of the CAMRA Ultras who get obsessed with this kind of thing.

There are plenty of good session beers in the 3.4 to 4 percent range that are very good and full of flavour. I would also defy anyone to tell me that Orkney Dragonhead Stout, for example, isn't worth considering. At 4.0%, it is a deep and tasty stout that has all kinds of flavours bursting through.

Even so, I believe a beer needs some degree of strength. There was a bit of a fad a while back for 2.8% beers. I tried a few, but found them very thin indeed.
I often drink Becks Blue or Heineken 0.0 if its my turn to drive. Most alcohol free drinks in pubs and restaurants are sweet (coke, lemonade etc.) and I don't really like drinking sweet drinks with meals, plus I find coke etc. too sweet to have more than one small one at a time. Sometimes I'll just drink water though.

I just need them to work out how to make good alcohol free wine now!
Alcohol free beer is like caffeine free tea..pointless....
My wife has to avoid caffeine as much as possible, but she loves her tea, so decaf it is.

I also switch to decaf after the noon hour, because we both chain-drink tea from the time we get up until we go to bed, and if that were all caffeinated, I'd probably never sleep. :)
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