

17 Mar 2015
Local time
4:16 AM
Almonds are probably the best nuts ever from a health point of view. But how do you eat them? You just grab a handful or you combine them with something? I personally love them as a snack and are my "go-to" food for whenever I'm hungry at a weird time, but sometimes I mix them with other nuts for other breakfast and it's delicious.

What are some other good ways to eat almonds?
Im not keen on almonds. I do however have a nice recipe for chocolate brownies that has ground almonds as one of the Ingredients. It's quite nice. Nuts generally are very good for you. Even though they are high in fat content, its unsaturated fat, so is much better for you. Nuts of all kinds have taken quite a hit as being bad when in fact we should eat more nuts and less of things with saturated fats.
This link I found refers to almonds as the World's Most Perfect and Versatile Snack Food. As for me, I buy them occasional as they are quite expensive around here and I was just told that in our recent Budget the price went up again. It's the kind of thing I buy more of when I traveled a lot in the past. I am not a big lover and bought my last set to use in my baking. It's been a while and I have not used them as yet. Here is the link.
Try them in savoury dishes. Fry them for two or three minutes in a little oil until golden, drain on kitchen paper and add to salads or couscous, or crush them up as a topping for soup, for example. Easy!
Besides eating them I will love using almond milk in smoothies. Toasted almonds are great in stir fries as well.
you can use almonds really everywhere..
chicken with almonds and soja sauce, for example (here I also love cashew nuts)
or chopped with some pestos, for example with basil
or for the panure of fish/meat filet (pistachios are an optimus alternative!)
cut in flakes in salads/rice
and obiviously in some cake/desserts
I like eating them plain and add them to some recipes for flavor.
I love almonds! From Lidls you can get them with salt and vinegar, thats really delicious, but they're lovely just as is also. I add them to Moroccan meals as well, that is really nice as they go quite soft but retain they're firmness which adds a nice contrast of texture to a meal.
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