An Interesting Find...


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
7:54 AM
Ohio, US
My wife was clearing out some old boxes and came across these:


They're handwritten recipes from her grandmother and great-grandmother (mother and daughter). Some of the recipes from the older book make references to "Mother's Spice Cake" or "Aunt Louisa's Date Pudding," so that would take it back great-great-grandmother's time.

Here are some samples:

Many of the recipes are like this one, rather skimpy on the method:


Some have no method at all, just a list of ingredients.

Some novelty things as well, like ice cream from snow (I remember my own mother doing something similar), and a peanut butter sandwich spread made with pimento and mayonnaise added (now I know where my wife gets her taste for PBM sandwiches):

This sounds very interesting to try:

Remember over the holidays, we were all discussing the rarity of true mincemeat nowadays? Fear not, here's a recipe for the real thing (and the following page has a recipe for making mincemeat cookies with this):

I also want to include this, from the first page:

That name is of her great-grandfather, and he's obviously doing something with some wheat (her people were Iowa farmers).
What a great find!

My mother and grandmother made snow cream. They used freshly fallen snow, sugar, vanilla extract and a touch of heavy cream, milk in a pinch. I LOVED that as a child.
That's awesome! Are you going to try some of them?

P.S. It is nice to see handwritten recipes like that. I can't believe they've stopped teaching cursive writing in school.
That's awesome! Are you going to try some of them?

P.S. It is nice to see handwritten recipes like that. I can't believe they've stopped teaching cursive writing in school.
Yes, the ones I can work out, anyway.

I thought I read snow, and confirmed later. Real snow??? I don't get it??

Yes, using real snow:

Snow cream

Now you wish it was winter again, don't you?! :)
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