Anyone want one of these?


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
Local time
4:16 PM
All Natural Egg 1.jpg

If you know what it is, don't say. Let others choose first.
In Red added in edit
No cheating now, base it purely on what you see presented to you
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Some sort of "health" drink I imagine, though I would not call that a food of any kind. If you can't pronounce it, and it looks like a laboratory experiment, it does not belong in the human body. So sad people actually want to consume things like this even though more and more it's becoming known that artificial ingredients lead to health problems later on.
I'll put the answer up this time tomorrow.
Taking each ingredient in turn, I have analysed them from memory (without the internet unless I have stated otherwise!)

Given it says aqua rather than carbonated water, we can rule out all fizzy drinks, so it has to be something liquid that is flat.

It has a high number of amino acids in it
  • It has 18 amino acids in it (out of 20)
  • Of these 8 are the essental amino acids that the body can not produce and has to 'consume'. histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine of which is contains all of them.
So I have a flat water based product with all of the essential amino acids and 10 non-essential ones....
  • It then contains a number of fatty acids, but neither of the 2 essential ones which the body can not manufacturer (linolenic and linoleic acid)
  • but does contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids (the 2 essential fatty acids are used to build Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids curiously).
Following on from that we have a curiously small amount of sugar (0.8%) which means it isn't going to be very sweet.
  • one of which is lactose
  • another is galatcose
  • additionally we have the standard glucose, sucrose, fructose and maltose
Colourings are next and are all natural colours
  • E160c can be derived from paprika/bell pepper and is dark red in colour in concentrated amounts (and can be used as a flavouring as well)
  • E160a can be derived from carrots and is yellow to orange (depends on concentration)
  • E306 is a Vitamin E concentrate (can be both vegetable or animal in origin), not sure on colour or why under colourings because it is an antioxidant for polyunsaturated fatty acids (in meat pies, desert toppings and vegetable oils as well as a vitamin supplement)
  • E101 is Riboflavin which is a yellow colour.
Flavourings come next (and I will confess to having had to look up some of these - all of the above I already knew! (sorry but I did an uncompleted PhD in Organic Chemistry..) however, it is not the flavourings that gave me the answer)
  • Phenylacetaldehyde occurs naturally in: Apple, apricot, bilbery, cherry, grapefruit, guava, orange peel, peach, raisin, grape, asparagus, blackberry, papaya, melon, cabbage, sweet pepper and celery leaves
  • dodeca-2-enal is a citrus odour and an orange flavour
  • ...
err - OK I know now the answer! looking at one of the ingredients I came across the answer!
Well done @classic33 you almost had me on that one!

PS the answer to the question is yes, I had at least 2 yesterday!
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Taking each ingredient in turn, I have analysed them from memory (without the internet unless I have stated otherwise!)

Given it says aqua rather than carbonated water, we can rule out all fizzy drinks, so it has to be something liquid that is flat.

It has a high number of amino acids in it
  • It has 18 amino acids in it (out of 20)
  • Of these 8 are the essental amino acids that the body can not produce and has to 'consume'. histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine of which is contains all of them.
So I have a flat water based product with all of the essential amino acids and 10 non-essential ones....
  • It then contains a number of fatty acids, but neither of the 2 essential ones which the body can not manufacturer (linolenic and linoleic acid)
  • but does contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids (the 2 essential fatty acids are used to build Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids curiously).
Following on from that we have a curiously small amount of sugar (0.8%) which means it isn't going to be very sweet.
  • one of which is lactose
  • another is galatcose
  • additionally we have the standard glucose, sucrose, fructose and maltose
Colourings are next and are all natural colours
  • E160c can be derived from paprika/bell pepper and is dark red in colour in concentrated amounts (and can be used as a flavouring as well)
  • E160a can be derived from carrots and is yellow to orange (depends on concentration)
  • E306 is a Vitamin E concentrate (can be both vegetable or animal in origin), not sure on colour or why under colourings because it is an antioxidant for polyunsaturated fatty acids (in meat pies, desert toppings and vegetable oils as well as a vitamin supplement)
  • E101 is Riboflavin which is a yellow colour.
Flavourings come next (and I will confess to having had to look up some of these - all of the above I already knew! (sorry but I did an uncompleted PhD in Organic Chemistry..) however, it is not the flavourings that gave me the answer)
  • Phenylacetaldehyde occurs naturally in: Apple, apricot, bilbery, cherry, grapefruit, guava, orange peel, peach, raisin, grape, asparagus, blackberry, papaya, melon, cabbage, sweet pepper and celery leaves
  • dodeca-2-enal is a citrus odour and an orange flavour
  • ...
err - OK I know now the answer! looking at one of the ingredients I came across the answer!
Well done @classic33 you almost had me on that one!

PS the answer to the question is
yes, I had at least 2 yesterday!
Someone spends a bit too much time reading the ingredients on the packaging!
do I win a prize.....
just seemed to be a lot of complex amino .....all those canoics......and a degree of guess work
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