Are "Meyer Tensl" pans safe?


22 Jun 2015
Local time
1:37 PM
Essex, UK
Hi there.

I have recently become aware of a possible link between older Teflon pans and cancer and have decided to chuck out all my older non-stick pans (they were all old and scratched, anyway).

One thing I am not too sure is about a set of pans called Meyer Tensl, which my mother-in-law gave me many, many years ago.

These pans are dark grey and seem pretty heavy. Does anyone know what they are made of and are there any safety concerns about their continued use?
I don't know that brand. But, Teflon pans are coated with PTFE. As long as you don't take the pans to extreme heats, they are safe. If they get too hot, they can off-gas, and that's not good. If you take them to that kind of heat, you will probably ruin the pan, anyway. When you buy a new non-stick pan, it should tell you the maximum heat for the pan.

If you are going to do high-heat cooking/searing, stick with cast iron, IMO. It is safe, and you won't ruin the pan. Otherwise, for basic everyday cooking, non-stick is fine.

BTW, don't feel bad about chucking the old non-stick pans. They have a limited life span. They get scratched, the pans sometimes warp (aluminum), and they lose their non-stick abilities over time.

Good luck with the Meyer Tensi query. Maybe someone else is familiar with them.

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