Best Movie Meals That You'd Like to Try


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
3:17 PM
What are the best movie meals you've seen that you would like to try?

For example, in the movie "Like Water For Chocolate", a 'Rose Petal Quail' meal might qualify, certainly.

How about those 'Diner Burgers' from "Good Will Hunting?"

And I would certainly nominate 'Puerco Pibil' from "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."

There are more and I don't know of them all, so chime in.
I actually found a recipe or two for 'Fried Green Tomatoes' from the movie of the same name. They look damn good.
Oh that is rather still on Hobbit Lembas bread...found a lavender almond cake recipe version of it...doubt it is even close to the "one bite of the bread will feed a man a day"...but sounds very nice...

Had to laugh, as the first movie scene to pop in my mind was the Meg Ryan at a date at a diner, prooving she can fake an O, and another customer saying: I want some of that she is havin...pointing to Meg...😂

Am forgetful about thetitle, but it is surely a very famous movie.
How about some French cuisine in a movie?

- Potage à la Tortue (turtle soup with Amontillado sherry)
- Blinis Demidoff (buckwheat pancake with caviar and sour cream)
- Cailles in Sarchophage (quail in a puff pastry shell with foie gras and truffle sauce)
also accompanied by Clos de Vougeot Pinot Noir
- Savarin au Rhum avec des Figues et Fruit Glacée (rum sponge cake with figs and candied cherries)
accompanied by champagne
- Endive Salad
- Assorted Cheeses and Fruits with Sauternes
- Coffee with Vieux Marc Grande Champagne Cognac

I have to get the movie that this menu was served up in. Absolutely!

It's a Danish flick called "Babette's Feast".

It sounds like a definite gotta have winner for a movie.
How about some French cuisine in a movie?

- Potage à la Tortue (turtle soup with Amontillado sherry)
- Blinis Demidoff (buckwheat pancake with caviar and sour cream)
- Cailles in Sarchophage (quail in a puff pastry shell with foie gras and truffle sauce)
also accompanied by Clos de Vougeot Pinot Noir
- Savarin au Rhum avec des Figues et Fruit Glacée (rum sponge cake with figs and candied cherries)
accompanied by champagne
- Endive Salad
- Assorted Cheeses and Fruits with Sauternes
- Coffee with Vieux Marc Grande Champagne Cognac

I have to get the movie that this menu was served up in. Absolutely!

It's a Danish flick called "Babette's Feast".

It sounds like a definite gotta have winner for a movie.
All of that food in one movie? Wow
I like fried green tomatoes, Craig not so much, but it's a southern thing so...
My mom made them all the time, that and fried yellow squash, floured and fried in bacon fat.

I never could develop a taste for them, though, regardless of the bacon fat. It's like bacon fat said, "I can make anything taste great!" - and green tomatoes said, "Hold my beer..." :laugh:
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