Best Veggies to add to an omelete?


14 Jan 2015
Local time
8:46 PM
Trying to think of new combinations of veggies for omelets. We do a lot of tomato, spinach and kale. What are some of your favorites vegetables to add to breakfast omelets?
I don't think you can go wrong with any veggie in an omelet but my favorite additions are peppers, onions , cauliflower and potatoes.
I love adding the typical omelette add-ons, such as tomatoes, sweet onions, and potatoes.

Another things that would taste pretty good in an omelette is zucchini. Some additional bell peppers would just make the finishing touch. You can never go wrong with more add-ons in an omelette.
Those are some good combinations! I will have to try some of them, the sweet potato sounds especially good.

My omelette choice is pretty boring after reading the above ideas. But I always add colored peppers, onions, cheese and Frank's red hot sauce.
My first choice would have to be onion. Then I would choose green or red pepper, but mushroom woud also have to be very high on the list.

I agree about potato being a good addition in vegetable omelette, and almost any type of green leafy vegetable finely cut or shredded. I think spinach would work well, or any type of cabbage.
anything you want really.
  • mushroom and onion
  • pea, beans and broccoli
  • plain, is also good
  • potato and onion
  • sweet potato
take your pick....

I'd personally use Mushrooms and Onions.

Also, green peppers are very very good to drop in. They add a nice crunch. Potato chunks help too, and then you gotta put in some types of cheeses to make the meal complete (generally, I'd say cheddar/mozzarella shred) or provolone.
You can't really go wrong with adding a vegetable to an omelet as far as I know; it seems like it's mostly a personal prefference. I happen to enjoy a good bit of potato or broccoli with my omelet. Then again, brocolli is that vegetable that tastes good with pretty much anything you put it in, so that would make sense as a preference for me.
My favorite omlet veggies are onions, tomatoes, and green peppers, but like everyone else said, you really just have to pick out what you like because just about everything can go on an omlet.
Broccoli In omelettes? I've never heard of that though it sounds awesome if you used Velveeta cheese sauce i guess and use some type of chicken, it'd be no different then a casserole in a tortilla shell.. mmm. Possibilities abound.
I love adding,
Green peppers
Yellow peppers
Red peppers
Sweet corn
I think you can just about add any vegetables you like really! Anything goes.
I am not a big omelete person but I do like onions, mushrooms, green and yellow peppers to my omelete. I also top my omelete salsa.
Yeah I like adding vegetables in my omelet. I usually prefer tomatoes and onions as addons for my omelet. I also add some cheese to give it additional flavor. I have once seen my aunt cooking omelet with eggplant and tomatoes but I haven't tried eating it.
When I am cooking my omelet the vegetables that I usually add on are......onion, tomatoes, potato, carrot, bell pepper. There is also one omelet recipe that we had and that is our grated zucchini with chopped onion leeks with a dash of mushroom powder and this really taste good and healthy too. We eat this with a combination of soy sauce, apple cider vinegar and sesame seeds for its sauce and the more it is appetizing to eat.
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