Best way to cook steak?

26 Nov 2014
Local time
5:58 AM
I'm a big fan of steak but I feel like I could improve my cooking technique a bit. I usually heat up my cast iron pan on high, add a bit of butter and olive oil and when it starts to sizzle I throw the steak in. I then salt and pepper it and aim for medium rare. Sometimes this results in a pretty good tasting steak and sometimes the steak curls up on the edges and doesn't come out as nice.
Please post your favorite technique for making a great steak and I'll try it!
I use the same technique as you. If there is a lot of fat around the side of the steak (this may depend on the cut you are using) then this is what sometimes causes it to curl. The same thing happens with bacon. A simple tip to avoid this is to make a few snips along the fat with scissors. This should help to keep it flat and cooking evenly.
Again as above BUT it depends on how you like your steak. On suggestion I can give is to seal the steak by searing the outside with a VERY VERY hot [in fact if it isn't scary it isn't hot enough] iron grill pan then remove and cook much more slowly either in another pan or under a normal grill. This way even a well done steak will stay juicy and tender.
Cutting snips in the fat makes perfect sense, I'm a seamstress I should have known that. I never considered switching pans but if it will keep the steak juicy it's worth a shot!
I also snip the fat strip on my steak to prevent the meat from curling up. I like to fry my steak in butter or throw it on the grill with some veggies. I can't stand seeing the blood on my plate so I am a medium well person even though it makes the meat tougher.
I also snip the fat strip on my steak to prevent the meat from curling up. I like to fry my steak in butter or throw it on the grill with some veggies. I can't stand seeing the blood on my plate so I am a medium well person even though it makes the meat tougher.
The test of a good chef IMHO is to cook a well done steak and for it NOT to be tough, anybody can eat virtually raw meat and yes it will be juicy [bloody] etc. Try my method above and you may be surprised at just how good a well done steak can be. Just remember the grill pan that seals the meat will be far too hot for anything else.
I like to BBQ my steaks. My husband is fantastic at getting steaks to a perfect medium rare. I use a fajita season mix I get from a health food store. I think it's mostly garlic powder, salt, pepper. He makes sure the grill is super hot and then sears the steaks, he gives them a quarter turn on each side to get the beautiful grill lines on them too. We never go out for a steak dinner anymore. Why would you when you save so much money by eating a perfectly cooked steak at home.
To get rid of the curling, simply make 1/2" cuts around the perimeter of the meat with a pair of scissors (or just use your knife). Just out of curiosity, what cut of meat are you using? Because cooking recommendations can vary quite a bit depending on what kind of steak it is.

Personally, I always make sure the meat is completely thawed and at room temperature, even if it means leaving it out on the counter for a couple hours (I'll cover it with some plastic wrap though to keep the bugs and dust off of it.). Then I pat it dry with paper towel, and season it with sea salt and ground black pepper and some coarsely chopped fresh parsley. Then I let it rest for a bit, so the salt can start drawing moisture out of the meat, which will produce a better sear and color. Meanwhile, If I don't already have some pre-made garlic infused olive oil, I will make some in the pan by gently cooking some sliced fresh garlic in a good amount of olive oil, to perfume it. Then I remove the garlic so it doesn't get burnt while cooking the steak.

Beyond that, I just simply pan fry it until it's about medium to medium rare, then let it rest for about 5 min before cutting into it.
Okay, may I contribute our recipe for steak? First is the marinade - a simple mixture of soy sauce of lemon. For a kilo of beef, pour 3 tablespoon of soy sauce and press a piece of medium sized lemon. Marinate for at least 30 minutes. Heat the pan and put some cooking oil that is just enough to fry the steak. Fry slowly so the inside will be cooked. Medium well is the best for us. After cooking the beef, fry the marinade in the same pan by letting it boil for 1 minute. Pour the cooked marinade into the beef.. that is the gravy.
I had heard about the searing, but not about switching pans, and I was unaware of the snipping secret. There's nothing worse than paying for a nice piece of steak, and then finding it tough when you go to eat it. I'm so glad we have threads and forums like this to help us improve our cooking.
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