Boxing Day, Anyone?


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
4:02 PM
Ohio, US
...and by "Boxing Day," I don't necessarily mean Dec 26th specifically; I'm asking if you do anything like gift small things to your mail carrier, trash collector, gardener, etc.

We do. I'm sitting in a bakery right now, having a doughnut and coffee, while I pick up trays of assorted holiday cookies for the veterinarian's office, the office staff at the hair stylist I go to (the stylist will get her own gift, a bottle of port), the pharmacy (we're in there all the time with confusing medicine orders that they have to sort out), and we also do the same for our mail carrier and our trash collector.

How about you?
A long time since I heard of that tradition - when I was a kid my parents used to give a 'Christmas Box' to the milkman and possibly the postman (I can't quite remember). It was basically a bit of money in an envelope.

I'm sure the tradition still exists in terms of bosses treating office workers to cakes etc. but not, to my knowledge, in relation to domestic household service providers. Having said that I will no doubt provide a nice cake for my gardener when he visits next week.
Back when I lived where I had mail delivery and trash pickup, I'd tape an envelope with cash or a check to the mailbox or the trash can the morning of pick up. Usually prior to Christmas date itself. I got discouraged on this in a relatively recent year when some hoodlums came driving by and collected all incoming mail along the street, and shredded each envelope looking for money. (the cards that had been sent to me and others were found up the road in the mucky slush ripped in half. I was not remotely happy.... despite they were "just" cards and those hoodlums got nothing for their effort, at least from my mail box.) I think that's when I stopped leaving things for the trash collector or postman. (No, the day this happened, there wasn't any money from me out there for him, so it was just a nasty occurrence that gained no one anything.)

I no longer have either service up here - it is too rural,- but I do give the housekeeper (who comes by usually every other week) some extra cash.
...and by "Boxing Day," I don't necessarily mean Dec 26th specifically; I'm asking if you do anything like gift small things to your mail carrier, trash collector, gardener, etc.

We do. I'm sitting in a bakery right now, having a doughnut and coffee, while I pick up trays of assorted holiday cookies for the veterinarian's office, the office staff at the hair stylist I go to (the stylist will get her own gift, a bottle of port), the pharmacy (we're in there all the time with confusing medicine orders that they have to sort out), and we also do the same for our mail carrier and our trash collector.

How about you?

I remember mum leaving a few bottles of beer for our bin man. I leave a dozen cans for my lawn man. He also uses my home made tomato sauce whenever he wants. He just texts when he's out. He's a really nice guy who is really good around home.

As for the day itself, I love Boxing Day, relaxing eating leftovers and watching the races. There's always two meetings in the South Island. Ashburton and Westport. A nice quiet day on the punt.

I wish I knew my snow plow guy's beverage of choice, or if he drinks.

After the winter start this year, he really deserves something!
We used to give bottles of booze freely, then realized that may not always be a welcome gift, so for the trash collector and the mail carrier, they get gift cards to the grocery store. Not exciting, but it shouldn't offend. That's the one time I give gift cards.

My hair stylist, I know she likes a tipple, so she got a bottle of wine, and the other folks all got cookie trays from a local bakery.
We used to give bottles of booze freely, then realized that may not always be a welcome gift, so for the trash collector and the mail carrier, they get gift cards to the grocery store. Not exciting, but it shouldn't offend. That's the one time I give gift cards.

My hair stylist, I know she likes a tipple, so she got a bottle of wine, and the other folks all got cookie trays from a local bakery.

Your hair stylist?? Lmao. Mines the wife and a number 1 buzz cut. Cheap too??

Your hair stylist?? Lmao. Mines the wife and a number 1 buzz cut. Cheap too??

I think I mentioned it before - when I get my hair cut, it's a whole thing. The young woman cuts my hair, shampoos it, gives me a scalp massage, then a hot towel on my face, then a face massage, then a hot towel on my shoulders and neck, then she massages that, then she rubs hot rocks and lotion on my neck and shoulders. The whole thing takes the better part of an hour.

On top of that, though, we genuinely get along and have a good time talking to each other. She's a trained baker and graduate of culinary school, though she no longer works in the industry, so we're always trading pics of food and sharing recipes. Very personable young woman.
I think I mentioned it before - when I get my hair cut, it's a whole thing. The young woman cuts my hair, shampoos it, gives me a scalp massage, then a hot towel on my face, then a face massage, then a hot towel on my shoulders and neck, then she massages that, then she rubs hot rocks and lotion on my neck and shoulders. The whole thing takes the better part of an hour.

On top of that, though, we genuinely get along and have a good time talking to each other. She's a trained baker and graduate of culinary school, though she no longer works in the industry, so we're always trading pics of food and sharing recipes. Very personable young woman.

Sounds like a cool chick. Maybe I'm just rough round the edges. Lol.

Sounds like a cool chick. Maybe I'm just rough round the edges. Lol.

I should have mentioned that it's also a men-only salon - yep, in 2019, there is still a place where men only are allowed...and it's the hair salon!

There are several of those around here, and most of them are the types of places that have sports blaring on 19 TV screens all at once, and the stylists are encouraged to employ a lot of flattering talk ("Oh, Tasty, have you been going to the gym?!) and the guys all act like they're fresh from the frat house.

The place I go is a little more refined than that. The stylists aren't in microskirts and low-cut tops and the conversation goes beyond how my bald spot is barely noticeable. :)
I should have mentioned that it's also a men-only salon - yep, in 2019, there is still a place where men only are allowed...and it's the hair salon!

There are several of those around here, and most of them are the types of places that have sports blaring on 19 TV screens all at once, and the stylists are encouraged to employ a lot of flattering talk ("Oh, Tasty, have you been going to the gym?!) and the guys all act like they're fresh from the frat house.

The place I go is a little more refined than that. The stylists aren't in microskirts and low-cut tops and the conversation goes beyond how my bald spot is barely noticeable. :)

I wouldn't fit in there tr.

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