Brazil Nuts


16 Nov 2014
Local time
7:43 PM
Washington, USA
Yesterday I had mixed nuts for my afternoon snack, and in the mix contained large brazil nuts. I have not had these nuts in a long time and so I popped a couple in my mouth to rediscover what they tasted like. After a couple of chews I had to spit them out because they tasted like dirt to me...literally, like dirt! I thought that maybe I had snagged a bad nut and so I tried another, and had the same result. Why do they taste so horrid? Does anyone on here enjoy brazil nuts?
I love brazil nuts, but I do check older nuts by snapping them in half and looking at the insides. They should be milky white or cream. Anything more brown and I usually give the nut a sniff. If it smells it is usually bad. It does sound like you had a bad batch...
There were a few of them that were darker than others. I could not believe the dirty taste they had when I popped them in my mouth. Are they normally supposed to have a slightly sweet taste like many other nuts?
It could be they are too old and are spoiled. I don't like Brazil nuts myself, but they don't taste like dirt they have a milder nut flavor Ithink
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