Recipe Bubble & Squeak


Legendary Member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
11:00 AM
Caracas, Venezuela
This is a "classic" British breakfast dish, although basically it´s judicious use of leftovers - yesterday´s cabbage and yesterday´s roast potatoes. Here´s a "start from scratch" recipe. Quantities are approximate because, as I said, it depends on what you´ve got left.
1/4 of a white cabbage, shredded
2 medium potatoes, peeled
3-4 rashers of bacon, diced fine
1 small onion, diced fine
Water for cooking
Salt & pepper
  • Dice the potatoes. Heat the water and cook the potatoes until partially cooked, about 4-5 minutes. Set aside and reserve the cooking water.
  • Gently fry the bacon bits in a pan with the onion. Move the pan frequently so the ingredients don´t burn; but you want to render some of the fat for the bacon.
  • When the bacon/onions are soft, add the cabbage and stir. Add a little of the cooking water and keep cooking until the cabbage begins to wilt.
  • Add the diced potatoes, salt and pepper, and keep cooking until the cabbage is almost cooked, but still has a bit of bite.
  • Serve topped with a fried egg if desired.

A love bubble and squeak. Even without bacon its good.

For me the thrill is the slightly charred cabbage 'umami' which I don't see in your recipe. Nevertheless I know this will be delicious.
This is a "classic" British breakfast dish, although basically it´s judicious use of leftovers - yesterday´s cabbage and yesterday´s roast potatoes. Here´s a "start from scratch" recipe. Quantities are approximate because, as I said, it depends on what you´ve got left.

As we rarely have leftovers I usually have to prepare my bubble and squeak from scratch but always leave it overnight in the fridge prior to frying. I've never had it for breakfast.
I can see how this is a good meal. It is always good to know what to make of leftovers. I like how easy it is, cooking cabbage must not be time consuming, at least not every time. The egg on top definitely gives it extra nutritional value, but it is fine to have the option to leave it out for whatever reason.

I will be researching to see if there is a traditional cooked Croatian breakfast recipe containing potatoes, cabbage and other...corn bread, bacon, raw onion, eggs, polenta and milk would be the first breakfast combination that come to mind.
I can see how this is a good meal. It is always good to know what to make of leftovers. I like how easy it is, cooking cabbage must not be time consuming, at least not every time. The egg on top definitely gives it extra nutritional value, but it is fine to have the option to leave it out for whatever reason.

I will be researching to see if there is a traditional cooked Croatian breakfast recipe containing potatoes, cabbage and other...corn bread, bacon, raw onion, eggs, polenta and milk would be the first breakfast combination that come to mind.

You may also wish to research the Irish version (colcannon) and the Scottish version (rumbledethumps).
You may also wish to research the Irish version (colcannon) and the Scottish version (rumbledethumps).
Yes! I would indeed. in another post I mentioned I would give colcannon a look, topic was food around St. Patrick's Day ...and, gladly, the Scottish version too. I just noted them down.Thank you!
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