Recipe Burgers and choccy cake.


20 Jan 2013
Local time
10:41 AM
Sorry, bit of a cheat this as I'm just going to link to the online recipes. But, finally got a spare couple of Hours Sunday so thought I'd try a bit of baking! Both turned out really well so I thought I'd share them here.

Vegetarian nut burgers. These are fairly simple to make, even for a novice like me and I can confirm that they're delicious! Not suitable for vegans as they contain eggs though.
I tried one when I made the batch (very nice,) the rest I wrapped in clingfilm with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinke of pepper and froze. Had the first frozen one yesterday (baked in the oven) and again, very very tasty :)
Next time I'm going to make a large batch for freezing and will experiment by adding some finely chopped mushroom and peppers.

Vegan chocolate cake. This is delicious! I found it a bit more fiddly and there's a fair bit of time involved waiting for things to cool but the results were well worth it :)
I can't actually find the page I followed, this is the same recipe but the one I used suggested using coffee instead of warm water which is what I did.

EDIT: Sorry, links not inserting for some reason.


Made another batch of the burgers on Saturday, as promised with the mushrooms, peppers and onions. Also had to use mainly Brazil nuts as I didn't have enough Cashews.
Can't remember exact quantities, but I doubled up on all the ingredients then added a whole pepper, handful of mushrooms and an onion.
They worked pretty well.
They didn't bind together as well though and making them into patty's was messy! But, once made and frozen down they work perfectly when chucked in the oven.
Not particularly easy to do a direct taste comparison with this batch though as I went a bit OTT with the chili and tobasco. In fact, they barely need cooking, just unwrap, them, poke with a stick and the chili heat leaves them smoldering!!

Still, they're tasty enough, and I've got enough in the freezer to last me a few weeks now :)
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