Cabbage among the the world's healthiest foods

21 Oct 2014
Local time
8:19 PM
So for the next week or so (might have to extend the time) we will be focusing on the Cabbage for The CookingBites Recipe Challenge. It was interesting to learn that this vegetable is among the world's healthiest food. I was surprise to learn of the numerous benefits associated with Cabbage. Is Cabbage a large part of your weekly meal plan? If it isn't, after reading about some it's benefits maybe you might want to add it to your grocery list.

While you are at it, feel free to share some of your recipes and submit them to The CookingBites Recipe Challenge for a chance to select the next ingredient for the Challenge and wear the crown of Judge.

Read of some of the benefits right here -
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Then I will be expecting lots of recipes for the Challenge Cupcakechef. Substituting it for lettuce is an interesting take on it as well. I'd still prefer my lettuce but prefer the crunchier lettuce. Let's get some recipes from you then. Looking forward to having lots of entries for the Challenge.
Bacon & Cabbage
Hard Cured Bacon
Cabbage(Two heads if small)
Salt(for cleaning the cabbage)

Bring the bacon to the boil, turning the heat down when on the the boil. Continue for a further 20 minutes, throwing the first water away.
Add fresh water, bring to the boil and boil for approx 20 minutes before adding the cabbage.
Whilst bacon is boiling prepare the cabbage. Wash in salted water, disposing of the outer leaves.
All leaves first cut from the stalk/stem, then cut down either side of the centre of each leaf. Less required as you get to the heart.
Leaves are then torn, by hand, into managable sizes.
Add the cabbage to the bacon, making certain to get the bacon surrounded. Add more water, return to the cooker and bring to the boil again. Turning down when on the boil.
When done, use a colander to strain the bacon and cabbage. If you wish to use the water, use another saucepan under the colander.

Mild or Soft cured bacon may mean that you don't have to give a first boil, or a as long a first boil. Hard cured bacon now falling out of favour.
What a coincidence. Our menu for tonight is Chinese noodles, the string type. And aside from the main ingredients of chicken meat and pork, cabbage is the main garnishing. For a half kilo of noodles, a half kilo of meat is mixed (chicken meat, chicken liver, pork slices) and a whole cabbage which is sliced in strips so it will gamely mix with the noodles. That dish is one way of attracting the children to eat cabbage because we notice that kids naturally hate the green in the food.
What a coincidence. Our menu for tonight is Chinese noodles, the string type. And aside from the main ingredients of chicken meat and pork, cabbage is the main garnishing. For a half kilo of noodles, a half kilo of meat is mixed (chicken meat, chicken liver, pork slices) and a whole cabbage which is sliced in strips so it will gamely mix with the noodles. That dish is one way of attracting the children to eat cabbage because we notice that kids naturally hate the green in the food.
So maybe you should take a picture and submit the recipe in the Cookingbites Challenge competition. I bought some purple cabbage yesterday which I will probably cook today or tomorrow.
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