Can Cayenne Pepper Help you quit smoking?


19 Jan 2015
Local time
1:10 PM
Hi guys,

I just had to put this question out there because I don't quite get how this is meant to happen myself. I was recently told by a neighbor of mine that her sister in law uses cayenne pepper as a way of quitting cigarettes.
Apparently she puts about 2 tablespoons in warm water and drinks up, that then kills her craving of cigarettes and she is said to have reduced her cigarette smoking massively. This is from smoking about 4-6 a day to having 1 a day.

Does anyone know how true this is? Can cayenne pepper really help you quit smoking?
I have never heard of this before and I have researched about every quit smoking technique that there is out there. If you put 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper into anything your mouth is going to be on fire for a while. Maybe she is so distracted by the burning pain that it makes her forget about wanting a cigarette :D:D
Hahaha Rosyrain I agree with you, it sounded very bizarre to me as well! I would not recommend it to anybody.
Thanks for the feedback!
Hi guys,

I just had to put this question out there because I don't quite get how this is meant to happen myself. I was recently told by a neighbor of mine that her sister in law uses cayenne pepper as a way of quitting cigarettes.
Apparently she puts about 2 tablespoons in warm water and drinks up, that then kills her craving of cigarettes and she is said to have reduced her cigarette smoking massively. This is from smoking about 4-6 a day to having 1 a day.

Does anyone know how true this is? Can cayenne pepper really help you quit smoking?
I have never heard of this either, but the key to quitting smoking (which I have done) is to have the right mind set and will power. All the quit smoking methods won't work without the right attitude. It's mind over matter, sound simple, and it really is,(now that I look back)
Alright... that actually honestly does make sense, where there is a will there is a way kind of thing! How long did it take you when you decided to quit kamarsun1? Did you go cold-turkey or did you reduce first then just ended up not getting the urge?
Well this is a new one one me. I am in the process of quitting smoking and today is my 15th day without a cigarette. I have tried to quit before and I think the difference this time is , my determination to succeed. I am going cold turkey and its difficult but I have gone from almost a pack (25)a day to nothing, so it can be done.
Well this is a new one one me. I am in the process of quitting smoking and today is my 15th day without a cigarette. I have tried to quit before and I think the difference this time is , my determination to succeed. I am going cold turkey and its difficult but I have gone from almost a pack (25)a day to nothing, so it can be done.

Well done blueeyes, keep going!
Well this is a new one one me. I am in the process of quitting smoking and today is my 15th day without a cigarette. I have tried to quit before and I think the difference this time is , my determination to succeed. I am going cold turkey and its difficult but I have gone from almost a pack (25)a day to nothing, so it can be done.

Wow blueeyes, this is great news. Well done on sticking to your guns and finally quitting! Going from a pack a day to nothing can't be an easy deal, yet it seems to me like you are cracking it and keeping strong! I do commend you on taking that step.
In regards to the cayenne pepper solution I have recently heard yet another testimonial about it, a friend of a friend's says that it does work. Apparently the pepper takes away the urge to smoke therefore distracting you from going for the cigarette I suppose. I have come to the conclusion that it might work for some individuals and not for others, all depends on determination like most of you have pointed out.
Well done blueeyes, keep going!
Thanks very much, Arch. I must admit I am quite proud of myself. It is a struggle at times but on the whole I am doing pretty good. One of the best incentives is , I never smoked in the house, and now that its winter outside the thought of going out to smoke was never appealing, although I did it. Now I don't have to go out unless I want too...hehe
Wow blueeyes, this is great news. Well done on sticking to your guns and finally quitting! Going from a pack a day to nothing can't be an easy deal, yet it seems to me like you are cracking it and keeping strong! I do commend you on taking that step.
In regards to the cayenne pepper solution I have recently heard yet another testimonial about it, a friend of a friend's says that it does work. Apparently the pepper takes away the urge to smoke therefore distracting you from going for the cigarette I suppose. I have come to the conclusion that it might work for some individuals and not for others, all depends on determination like most of you have pointed out.

Thanks so much, Elles-Belles. To be honest, I am surprised I have come this far. I've never had much success in quitting but I do believe my determination is the factor. Previously , I think I was trying to quit because others were pressuring me, but this time, it was completely my decision. I still crave the cigarettes at certain times but have been able to overcome the urge. Mind you, it helps that there are no cigarettes in the

As for the cayenne, I agree. It may very well work for some but without the desire to quit, I don't think anything will help in the long run.
You are most welcome blueeyes (smile)! I know what you mean, it does get hard trying to quit...but your focus and dedication will definitely get you through the urge to grab a cigarette and yes, the fact that you have none at home plays a major role (wink). I'm glad that you seem to be moving on nicely and that you don't stay with any smokers (assuming that you don't)! I am surrounded by smokers everyday, hahahaha... of course that is no excuse to join them.
You are most welcome blueeyes (smile)! I know what you mean, it does get hard trying to quit...but your focus and dedication will definitely get you through the urge to grab a cigarette and yes, the fact that you have none at home plays a major role (wink). I'm glad that you seem to be moving on nicely and that you don't stay with any smokers (assuming that you don't)! I am surrounded by smokers everyday, hahahaha... of course that is no excuse to join them.
Actually, my best friend is a smoker and quite a heavy smoker and I still visit with her quit often. She does smoke both in her house and her car, so it can be difficult for me but I don't want her to stop being who she is. I have to get used to be among smokers without having the urge to grab one of their smokes. I do bring a lot of straws with me to chew on when I am going to be visiting her...Amazingly enough, it does help :)
Oh wow, chewing on straws helps? I have actually heard of that concept but always thought, no that can't actually be right! I actually have a friend who went through such an ordeal with smoking, he had a growth in one of his lungs and just couldn't stop clogging up. He underwent an operation and is now alright but blimey every time I think of his situation I cringe at crabbing a smoke!!!! Anyways it's great that you can control the urge like that, I don't know if I have the same resolve!
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