Recipe Carrot Crisps


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:25 AM
SE Australia

Carrot crisps are kind of hard to write up as a recipe because they are so very basic. Rather like anything that is done in this style, they can have flavourings added to them, or they can be left alone.

So take your carrots and wash then, but leave the skins on. Slice the carrots into 2mm thick slices. You can do any shape you like, so length wise, width wise, or even diagonally. It is entirely up to you, but does control the end product.

Now lay them out on the dehydrator sheets and set the dehydrator to 140F for an hour, then drop to 100-110F for around 12 hours or so, longer if necessary if they carrots seem to be still wet.

Salt them or other flavouring if you want, but store them in an airtight container.

One idea for flavouring is to add a light diluted maple syrup to the carrots before dehydrating, so dip them into a diluted solution and then drain before dehydrating....
Those look good. I guess by leaving the skins on you mean you don't peel them. I am wondering how the crisps would taste. The peel is pretty nasty and stringy in most cases.
One reason for not peeling the carrots is that most of the nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are found either in the skin or just below the skin, so peeling them reduces the nutritional content. I also don't find the skin stringy or nasty, but I guess it is just what you are brought up with.
When you see something like this, you have to love the competition. I likely would never have seen anything like this were it not for the competition. I just can't make it as I don't have a dehydrator.
When you see something like this, you have to love the competition. I likely would never have seen anything like this were it not for the competition. I just can't make it as I don't have a dehydrator.
Oven on and door open has been seen as an alternative to a dehydrator!
Oven on and door open has been seen as an alternative to a dehydrator!
I omitted mentioning that if I put my mind to it, I would come up with an alternative. Thanks Classic33. Sad thing is that I doubt anyone in the house would be welcome that approach in this blistering heat.
I omitted mentioning that if I put my mind to it, I would come up with an alternative. Thanks Classic33. Sad thing is that I doubt anyone in the house would be welcome that approach in this blistering heat.
Its only 2°C outside! Hardly blistering heat.
Its only 2°C outside! Hardly blistering heat.

I am not good at the little os and big Cs but I read something about 80°C today and for me that translates into blistering heat. I think tonight is 27 and in my opinion that's kinda cold. Maybe I should use that open oven approach during these 'winter' nights. You can keep that fine weather you're having and grab a cup of coffee while you are at it.:coffee:
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Water boils at 100°C!
That'd be 212°F
Thanks. The young ones were giving me a refresher course. Around here our temps can boil water some days. :sun: at this time of the year but I must confess it's a little nippy at nights. A lot nippy in my opinion but a little for some who like that weather.
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