Recipe Carrot taco shells

21 Oct 2014
Local time
7:47 PM
When I stumbled on this I felt obligated to share. I honestly don't know I could pull it off, but it sure looks great slightly burnt and all. I found the recipe here:

  • 1 1/2 cup grated carrot, packed (about 200 g) + 1/2 cup tap water to cook
  • 1/2 cup grated cheese (full fat or lowfat, edam, mozarella or cheddar (75g)
  • 2 eggs, size 6
  • 3 tablespoon Gluten Free Oat Flour
  • Salt, pepper - if desired
  1. Wash, peel and grate carrots.
  2. Place them into a bowl cover with tap water. Microwave 5 minutes.
  3. Drain and place the cooked grated carrots into a clean absorbent paper or towel.
  4. Firmly squeeze out the extra water until the grated carrot are dry. This is a very important step. If the carrots are too moist the tacos will not harden after baking.
  5. Place into a bowl and add the grated cheese, eggs, oat, salt and pepper.
  6. Combine.
  7. Prepare a baking tray covered with baking paper.
  8. Place small portion of the carrot mixture onto the prepared tray. I used a 5 cm mechanical Ice cream scoop maker
    to measure equal quantity.
  9. Press with your finger to compact the carrot onto the tray.
  10. Bake at 200C for 15 minutes or until crispy on the sides.
  11. Gently remove the carrot tacos from the baking paper by lifting them with your finger.
  12. Fill in with filling of your choice.
  13. You can also place them onto a bottle to form a taco like shape and avoid them to crack when used later. The carrot tacos will harden slightly when cooling down.
I suspect mine would end up being chips. Anyone willing to give this a try?
OK. If I feel well enough tomorrow (I'm a bit off-colour at the moment), I'll give it a go. Its actually quite easy, I think - but sounds complicated. Only problem is - no oat flour and no chance of buying any. I don't know if other flours would work. I suppose I could grind up oats in my mini food grinder to produce flour. We will see.

I think the problem here is as you say - they become crisp as the cool so would be difficult to eat as tacos. If it works we could make it a joint entry into the competition! As far as I can tell this is not against the rules!. :happy:
I think the problem here is as you say - they become crisp as the cool so would be difficult to eat as tacos. If it works we could make it a joint entry into the competition! As far as I can tell this is not against the rules!. :happy:

I want to say this made me smile and I have not been smiling a whole lot today. Joint entries, joint winners:). I can see the headlines now..........Morning Glory and Winterybella Create History etc. etc.
I want to say this made me smile and I have not been smiling a whole lot today. Joint entries, joint winners:). I can see the headlines now..........@Morning Glory and Winterybella Create History etc. etc.
A reminder of the "Rules"
These rules are rather obvious really... and basically state that you must upload a recipe containing the ingredient during the time frame of the competition and that the winner of the last competition is the judge and jury for the winner of the current comp... Then just come back to this thread and let us know you have entered a recipe...

  • You must post up the recipe here on CookingBites.
  • The recipe must have the 'recipe' prefix and the 'Carrots'* and 'cookingbites recipe challenge' tags (no links to another recipe sites except for crediting etc).
Usually means one person, and,
  • Now come back to this thread and let us know you have posted up a qualifying recipe!
  • Judge's decision is final.
A reminder of the "Rules"
These rules are rather obvious really... and basically state that you must upload a recipe containing the ingredient during the time frame of the competition and that the winner of the last competition is the judge and jury for the winner of the current comp... Then just come back to this thread and let us know you have entered a recipe...

  • You must post up the recipe here on CookingBites.
  • The recipe must have the 'recipe' prefix and the 'Carrots'* and 'cookingbites recipe challenge' tags (no links to another recipe sites except for crediting etc).
Usually means one person, and,
  • Now come back to this thread and let us know you have posted up a qualifying recipe!
  • Judge's decision is final.
You can be singular or plural meaning: the one or ones being addressed.
The recipe must have the 'recipe' prefix and the 'Carrots'* and 'cookingbites recipe challenge' tags (no links to another recipe sites except for crediting etc).
It's late, but I just wanted to whisper, I don't think I quite have the tags and no links quite covered.
It's late, but I just wanted to whisper, I don't think I quite have the tags and no links quite covered.
I mentioned we could enter it jointly because you hadn't tagged it as a competition entry at this point. Your link is fine as its crediting the website where you found the recipe.
Oh! @winterybella... I just realised you might have meant that you didn't add the recipe challenge tag and we can't post a recipe that has already been posted!
Never fear. The recipe will not be he same. I've been experimenting with it and will cook up and photograph the finished result in the morning. I'm not promising anything mind you! If it doesn't work I'll admit failure.
Oh! @winterybella... I just realised you might have meant that you didn't add the recipe challenge tag and we can't post a recipe that has already been posted!
Never fear. The recipe will not be he same. I've been experimenting with it and will cook up and photograph the finished result in the morning. I'm not promising anything mind you! If it doesn't work I'll admit failure.
She did say she was having trouble with the tags though. And the system does only allow two tags to be applied by her.
One thing keeps troubling me, though... why does the woman's hand in the picture have hairy fingers? Inspected mine at close quarters...
You could remove one and replace with cookingbites recipe challenge,

I'll count it as an entry.
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