Recipe Celery & Apple Velouté

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
11:03 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I was thinking monochrome - a pure white soup with a wisp of black garnish. Celery & apples are a classic combination: think Waldorf salad, think cheeseboards. The Pernod adds an aniseed twist to this subtle soup and Parmesan adds savoury depth. A sharp apple is called for here, for otherwise the sweetness will dominate. The black garnish is bamboo charcoal but you could use burnt onion ash instead. To keep things white as can be, I peeled the apple & potato and chose only the the whitest parts of celery. And yes, it is a colour photograph. :)


Ingredients (serves 2)
200g, apples peeled, cored
200g floury potatoes, peeled
200g celery stalks
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
40g butter
50 ml Pernod
600 ml milk
40g finely grated Parmesan

  1. Chop the apple, potato & celery into small, equal sized chunks.
  2. Melt the butter in a large pan and gently sauté the celery until slightly softened.
  3. Turn up the heat slightly. Add the cumin, fennel and Pernod and allow to sizzle for a few seconds.
  4. Add the potato and apple chunks, milk and 1 tsp salt. Simmer until the celery is completely tender and the potatoes are cooked.
  5. Pass the soup through a fine chinois (or fine sieve), using a spoon to press as much of the vegetables and apple through as possible. This step is important. You are looking for a silky smooth texture.
  6. Return the soup to the pan. You should have approximately 500ml of soup.
  7. Heat gently, stirring through the Parmesan. Add salt to taste.
  8. Add garnish of your choice.

That looks delightful. Did it taste as good as it looks?

It really did - but it needs the Parmesan to counterpoint and give depth. I tasted it before (wasn't planning on including Parmesan - hadn't even thought of using it) and thought this needs something more - added Parmesan and it worked. After all - celery & apple both go with cheese.
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