Recipe Charbroiled vegetables and venison with pistachio sauce


26 Aug 2020
Local time
2:12 AM
Charbroiled vegetables and venison with pistachio sauce

Serves 2-3| Preparation 45 minutes

Ingredients / Vegetables
200-220 g cabbage (~a quarter of a cabbage head)​
1-2 onions​
1-2 carrots​
A big pinch of finger salt​
A big pinch of black pepper​
0,5-1 teaspoon dried thyme​
0,5-1 teaspoon dried rosemary​
3-4 teaspoons of maple syrup or liquified honey​
4-5 tablespoons of macadamia nut oil or evoo​

Instructions / Vegetables

Set the grill/broil resistor on 250°C (480°F, gas mark 9/10). Cut the cabbage and onion into thin slices. Cut the carrot into narrow sticks. Place the vegetables on a sheet of foil on top of a baking sheet. Drizzle the cabbage with maple syrup or honey, sprinkle thyme on top of all vegetables and rosemary on top of the cabbage and onions. Season with salt and pepper, drizzle oil on top and charbroil near the resistor for ~20-25 minutes until the vegetables are partly charred and tender.

Ingredients / Venison
500 g venison (deer rump or fillet; I used Finnish white-tailed deer rump)​
3-4 tablespoons macadamia nut oil or evoo​
4 cloves of garlic​
A small handful (~5 g) of fresh thyme​
1 teaspoon dried rosemary​
~0,5 teaspoon salt​
~0,5 teaspoon black pepper​

Instructions / Venison

Pat dry and cut off the possible silverskin of the venison. Cut the meat into ~2 cm thick slices against the grain. Slice the garlic thinly and rinse and chop the thyme. Sauté the venison pieces in macadamia nut oil or evoo on high heat for ~2 minutes per side (or to preferred doneness). Add the garlic, thyme and rosemary when turning the pieces. Place the hot meat on top of foil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, cover and let rest for ~5 min while cooking the sauce. Don’t rinse the pan.

Ingredients / Pistachio Sauce
100 g (~190 ml) pistachios​
150-200 ml unsweetened almond milk​
A small handful (~5 g) of fresh thyme​
100 ml/g water​
150 ml/g crème fraîche​
0,5-1 teaspoon dried rosemary​
0,5-1 teaspoon dried thyme​
~0,5 teaspoon salt​
~0,5 teaspoon black pepper​

Instructions / Pistachio Sauce

Grind the pistachios in a blender with almond milk and thyme until the mixture is smooth. Add the crème fraîche, water, pistachio-almond milk mix, rosemary and extra thyme on the (venison-remain) frying pan/skillet, mix well and let simmer on medium-high heat for ~5 minutes until reduced to suitable concentration. Season with salt and pepper.

Cut the meat into thin strips and serve with the vegetables and pistachio sauce.

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I like the technique of cooking the venison in a pan and adding the garlic and herbs as the meat is turned, so that it forms a rustic coating. I
can imagine that the creamy slightly sweet pistachio sauce works well with the venison.
Pat dry and cut off the possible silverskin of the venison. Cut the meat into ~2 cm thick slices against the grain.

Do you mean 'against' the grain at this stage? Isn't that the way its cut after cooking (as in your top photo)? Maybe I misunderstand.
I like the technique of cooking the venison in a pan and adding the garlic and herbs as the meat is turned, so that it forms a rustic coating. I
can imagine that the creamy slightly sweet pistachio sauce works well with the venison.

Do you mean 'against' the grain at this stage? Isn't that the way its cut after cooking (as in your top photo)? Maybe I misunderstand.
It's cut along the grain after cooking.
Ah - now I understand! Im used to cutting steak against the grain after cooking so that was why I got confused.
Yeah, I guess most of us normally cook/fry a reasonably large steak or piece of meat - and cut is against the grain afterwards. This time I had cut small pieces/steaks against the grain in advance so the further cutting didn't go "by the book".
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