Recipe Chicken and Parsley Croquettes.


Forum GOD!
18 Mar 2018
Local time
11:57 PM
Christchurch New Zealand
My wife used to order these about 40 years ago at a restaurant as a starter. She loves them so much I found 2 recipes and combined the two. And tweaked it over the years to get perfect morsels. I don't use measurements, I know, it's just me. Quantities approx.

3 large chicken breasts.
.750 ml stock kept from boiling the breasts,
4 teaspoons gelatine added to the stock and stirred well
Then a roux:
300 gms butter
1 1/2. Cups of flour.
2 teaspoons dry mustard powder.
Good shake of pepper
250 ml cream

Make the roux by melting butter then mix in flour to get thickened, add dry ingredients and cream and reheat again for just a minute or two. Add chicken that has been minced up to the mixture. This should be a thick mix now. Spread onto a tray, cover with cling film. This stops the top going hard and making it harder to roll later. I put mine in the fridge until it's set and you can roll and crumb. Mines in the fridge ATM. I will be rolling these tomorrow.

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Mg can you place this in the challenge please.
Mg can you place this in the challenge please.

@rascal - I've added the Recipe prefix and the Cookingbites Recipe Challenge Tag. Both are easy to do (see instructions below) so you will know how to do this in future.

When you post a new thread which is a Recipe simply click on the 'no prefix' to left of the Thread Title and a drop down box will give you the options (see below). To add the tag start typing Cookingbites Recipe Challenge in the tags box at the bottom of the post (see below) and and a drop down box will appear with the full tag.

You need to add the link to this thread in the Recipe Challenge thread. I'll PM you about how to do it.

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