Recipe Chicken and plums


11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:24 PM
Eccles, Salford
Just had this for dinner, very nice. Found the recipe (from Hugh F-W) in a magazine left behind in a cafe:

For 4 people:

8 chicken thighs, bone in, skin on
8 plums, halved and stoned
1 tblsp sunflower oil
1-4 medium hot chillies, de-seeded, cut into thin strips
4 garlic cloves, sliced
thumb sized piece of ginger, peeled and grated or thinly sliced
3 tblsp soy sauce
small bunch coriander leaves
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 200C/Gas 6

Put chicken in roasting tray, trickle oil over and season with s and p. Roast for 30mins, turning once or twice.

After 30mins, add chilli, garlic and ginger to the roasting tray, turn chicken pieces over again, and return to oven for 10 mins.

Then add the plum halves, and trickle over the soy. If there doesn't seem to be much liquid in the pan, add a few tblsp of water too.

Return to oven for 10-15 mins more, until plums are soft. Remove from oven and baste with pan juices, then rest for 10 mins.

We served it with medium noodles (tossed in a little sesame oil to prevent sticking) and some lightly cooked sugar snap peas.

I only used one chilli, as I'm not hardened to a lot of heat, and it was nicely subtle.
That sounds really good, Arch. It would probably go well with fried rice as well. By the way, I always cook my noodles in a similar way to spaghetti. Boil a pan of water with a little added salt and a splash of sesame oil, then add the noodles, put a tight lid on the pan, turn the heat off, and leave for 5 minutes. They turn out perfect every time, and if the main course is running late, they won't overcook. Saves on fuel as well.
That sounds really good, Arch. It would probably go well with fried rice as well. By the way, I always cook my noodles in a similar way to spaghetti. Boil a pan of water with a little added salt and a splash of sesame oil, then add the noodles, put a tight lid on the pan, turn the heat off, and leave for 5 minutes. They turn out perfect every time, and if the main course is running late, they won't overcook. Saves on fuel as well.

Yes, I do that, and I've been doing my spaghetti that way since you mentioned it before! I find that apart from using less energy, the spaghetti never sticks to the bottom of the pan, which is sometimes did when I cooked it at a rolling boil.
I'm sure Mrs Colly used to cook chicken thighs with apricots. I'll have to ask her. Sounds odd meat and fruit but it was really delicious
I'm sure Mrs Colly used to cook chicken thighs with apricots. I'll have to ask her. Sounds odd meat and fruit but it was really delicious

Odd? Pork and Apple Sauce? Turkey and Cranberry Sauce? Lamb and Redcurrant Jelly?

Yes well, I don't like cranberry sauce with turkey, apple sauce with pork, nor redcurrant jelly with lamb. :)

Go on.................tell me I don't know what I am missing.
You don't know...

Fair enough if you don't like it, I know some don't. Like some people can't bear stuff in cheese, whereas I love a bit of Wensleydale with cranberries, or cheddar with chives...
I don't normally like stilton, but I love white stilton with apricots, or melon and ginger. In fact, fruit and savoury combinations work very well. The only thing I can't cope with is fruit in a normal salad - it just doesn't work for me, I'm afraid.
Cheese and fruit cake. Brilliant.
I'd never had that until I moved up to Yorkshire. The lady in the place underneath ours invited us in for a cup of tea while we were moving our few sticks of furniture in.
She gave us tea and a plate with some fruit cake on and a piece of, I think, Cheshire cheese. Puzzled looks were exchange between me and Mrs Colly.
Cake ....yes.
Cake and cheese, together ?? What kind of bizarre,depraved, place have we come to ?

Loved it of course.
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