Chocolate Covered Pretzels Question


16 Dec 2014
Local time
5:43 AM
Hi! I'm new to the forum!

My boyfriend and I would like to make chocolate covered pretzels (the little twisted ones, not rods) this holiday season. Should we use chocolate chips (or bar chocolate) OR should we use coating disks (Merkens, etc.)? Taste is key, obviously. Any suggestions or idea? We've never made these before. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I would suggest that you buy a bar of nice chocolate to coat the pretzels in. One of those expensive specialty bars that you find in the candy aisle of your store. If you want nice flavor, avoid regular chocolate, like Hershey bars. The disks do not taste good and are really only good for decorating your creations. For instance, dip your pretzels in good melted chocolate and then melt down some colored disks to drizzle on to of the pretzels.
I think that you should use chocolate chips or bars(chips are easier for measurement, but bars tend to taste better and less waxy). Coating disks taste disgusting and only look good. Since you're like me and care more about taste than decoration, I'd definitely recommend the chocolate chips/bars. I'd recommend Milka chocolate bars. They're very rich in taste. Good luck!
I don't know where you are located but I have had the best results with the 30p chocolate from ASDA/Sainsburys. Do not use Hershey as that's not even real chocolate. If you buy "nice expensive" chocos check the ingredients as sometimes they have things that will make them too oily and not goo to be melted. I've had expensive chocolate come out like crap when trying to melt it an coat something.
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