Christmas Candies and Cookies for Gifts


2 Aug 2015
Local time
5:47 AM
Virginia, USA
Do you plan to make any Christmas candies and cookies for gifts this year? If so, do you know what they will be? I saw a recipe for some chocolate dipped Ritz cracker sandwiches stuffed with Rolos (a type of chocolate caramel candy they sell here) that look really kind of interesting. I may make these for Christmas and share with others. Depending on how they turn out, they could be a stocking stuffer. I am not sure where I will be for Christmas though, I haven't really thought about it yet.
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My mother is not much for cooking desserts or sweets. The only sweets I remember that we used to make is the polvoron. We would buy the crisp colored cellophane for the attractive wrappers and we kids would be helping out in the wrapping and the sampling. The polvoron is a powdered snack made from all-purpose flour, powdered milk and sugar. The mixture is heated in a pan and after 15 minutes, harvested, let cool and then wrapped. It's that simple to make polvoron.
Do you plan to make any Christmas candies and cookies for gifts this year? If so, do you know what they will be? I saw a recipe for some chocolate dipped Ritz cracker sandwiches stuffed with Rolos (a type of chocolate caramel candy they sell here) that look really kind of interesting. I may make these for Christmas and share with others. Depending on how they turn out, they could be a stocking stuffer. I am not sure where I will be for Christmas though, I haven't really thought about it yet.

This sounds good! if you do make them you will have to share it with us so we can try it. I haven't really thought that far a head yet but I am sure I will be making up some kind of candies to give to my children and grand children as a special treat. I will be keeping an eye on this thread for some ideas!
I love the idea of doing a home-made foodie gift thing for Christmas. Sadly though I don't know that time will allow me to do that. It's kind of sad, actually, when I think about it - that it's easier to order something online for someone and wrap it up than it is to bake or whatever.

I think maybe I could do it for a few people but certainly not for everyone on my gift list.
I remember one year one of my sisters gave me a big tin of different Christmas candies and chocolates that she had made. They were so good. It was definitely one of my favorite Christmas gifts that year. I think food gifts are an awesome idea and really appreciated by people. It is always nice to get something that you don't have to cook yourself.
Christmas is my favorite time of year, so I'm bound to make some sort of Christmas cookies. I have never given a go at making homemade candies, though now that you've put the idea into my head I might have to try that. My favorite cookies to make are jelly thumbprints. My grandmother made them when I was a child and now they're a Christmas favorite of mine.
Christmas is my favorite time of year, so I'm bound to make some sort of Christmas cookies. I have never given a go at making homemade candies, though now that you've put the idea into my head I might have to try that. My favorite cookies to make are jelly thumbprints. My grandmother made them when I was a child and now they're a Christmas favorite of mine.

My mom use to make them too. I have never made them but they were always a favorite at Christmas time when our family would all get together.
I sure do miss those times.
Every Christmas I am baking Brownies with different assorted toppings like colored M&M chocolates, chocolate chips, cashew nuts, colored marshmallows and colorful candy sprinkles and put them in a nice box. And this is something I always love to give to my family, relatives and friends and every year they are waiting for my brownies during Christmas Day. Any food goodies that is homemade will surely be everybody's favorite especially that you will cook or bake it personally and they will always appreciate this things as a gift coming from you..
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I do make cookies and brownies as gifts but have yet to make candy other than fudge.
One of my sisters make cherry blossoms. They are always a special treat and a tradition at her house every year. They are so good. She has been making them every year for probably 20 years or more now. They are always wrapped in a pretty Christmas wrapper. Already looking for to this years.
Yes! I am planning to give away chocolate barks for Christmas and possibly tiny cheesecake cups. Another good gift idea is a brownie recipe (dry ingredients at least) in a mason jar which is really cute. Add in some instructions for baking and you're good to go.
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The brownie ideas is a great suggestion. So what all do you put in your chocolate bark @foolsgold. I have seen it prepared with many different things but I have never made it myself. It is an awesome treat for Christmas though.
Christmas is my favorite time of year, so I'm bound to make some sort of Christmas cookies. I have never given a go at making homemade candies, though now that you've put the idea into my head I might have to try that. My favorite cookies to make are jelly thumbprints. My grandmother made them when I was a child and now they're a Christmas favorite of mine.

OK. So what are these jelly thumbprints? Please post a recipe!
Last year I made fudge. Personally I can't stand fudge, or almost anything too sweet, but I know others love it! Packaging is everything when it comes to fudge. These rather drab brown squares pack a punch (add alcohol to up the stakes) but they need the boost of a pretty package to set them off.
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I forgot to share that my husband used to cook yam - that violet root crop. Actually, the yam is the harvest from our garden. My husband plants them in time for a Christmas harvest. He would cook it for more than 1 hour in a vat, stirring and stirring until the mixture of yam, condensed milk and coconut milk becomes sticky. He then places the cooked yam in foil containers for our giveaways to neighbors and relatives. It's a tiring chore that's why we just buy items for giveaways instead of cooking.
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