Christmas dinner with a twist


16 Nov 2014
Local time
7:21 PM
Washington, USA
My husband and I are going to do things a little different this year because we are sick of eating our traditional Christmas dinner. You know...ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, veggies, stuffing, blah..blah..blah! The traditional Christmas dinner is good, but we are just tired of it and want a change. This year we are going to make fish and chips for dinner. He makes a delicious jalepeno paste that he coats the fish in before dipping it in the breading batter. It is crazy good and this will be what we are eating this year. Have you ever broke Christmas food traditions, and what did you make?
I have never had the option of breaking traditions, but I probably would the moment I had some say in the menu. My family is so traditional we have had the same things for Christmas dinner for probably 60 years now, at least. I am not really that into tradition myself. Tradition for its own sake is just a burden. I'm more interested in spending time with the people, and at the end of the day, as much as I have loved cooking and food, if I got to be with the people I love I don't even care what was on my plate.

If I had the option, I think I would do just the turkey, forget the ham, and drastically reduce the quantity of side dishes. I would want to cook only what was needed for that evening with no more than one days leftovers.
We have never really moved away from the traditions when it comes to Christmas lunch. The only thing that has changed is that, instead of using turkey, we now use baked chickens. Everything else has remained basically the same. Since all of the family usually come together on this day, everyone would have to agree to do different dishes to get away from the traditional way of doing things, and getting everyone to agree on something like this would not be easy. I myself like the traditional aspect of the season. The only way I would not mind a change is if I were to travel overseas for the holidays where the cooking and the meals are different to what I am accustomed to. In that case I would just go with the flow and eat whatever is being served. However, I do not think I would want to make a change to the traditions we are accustomed to here in my own country.
One year, my mom broke the traditional dinner because we all were tired of the ritual stuff. She, instead, opted for a huge spaghetti dinner with bread sticks and salad. She did, however, bake all the traditional desserts because we don't get enough pumpkin pie, cheesecake or blackberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream.
I could not imagine breaking the dessert tradition either Sweetkymom, those treats I look forward to all year long. It is the food that drives me crazy. I agree with Dancinglady about only making enough food for one days worth of leftovers, because after that, I just get sick of eating the same meal over and over again.
I always stick to the tradition. Christmas wouldn't be the same without te full works. However, I don't think there is anything wrong with breaking away from the norm. There is no point going to al the trouble of a Christmas dinner if you would both prefer something else, especially if there are only the two of you to worry about.
We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year and it was a ton of work, so we decided to make Christmas easy this year and put more money towards sweets and presents. I really do not want to deal with all of the left overs again because I am over them after a day Or 2.​
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