Christmas Dinner


Midlands, England
14 Oct 2012
Local time
9:32 AM
Leicester UK
My husband is a fantastic cook and on Christmas morning put in a huge amount of time and effort in preparing dinner for 7 of us, the first time he has cooked for so many but everything was perfect.


This meal looks quite appetizing and healthy too. I trust you would have all enjoyed it. My Christmas dinner was very nice too with a wide variety of dishes to choose from. Unlike this one, many hands prepared the different dishes. Well, there were about 20 of us in all, and even after everyone had eaten, there were still enough portions left over for each person to take home for the following day, so no-one would have to spend lots of time in the kitchen today except for warming up dishes. The day after Christmas is usually a very relaxing day over here.
Christmas lunch here was some homemade mushroom soup (very nice) with some dunking bread.... (the type that absorbs soup). Evening meal was a jacket spud with some tahini on it, followed by some almond milk ice-cream. We try not to overdo it here :D
My husband is a fantastic cook and on Christmas morning put in a huge amount of time and effort in preparing dinner for 7 of us, the first time he has cooked for so many but everything was perfect.

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That does look good, and I see vegan foods as well. We made some vegan macaroni and vegan cheese, and we fried up some cauliflower, we keep it basic and small.
Neither of us are keen on turkey and haven't eaten any in years but dad likes a traditional Christmas dinner so that is what we served. We eat a lot of veg anyway although we don't usually have sprouts, I struggle with them.
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