Cinnamon Coffee


22 Oct 2014
Local time
2:03 AM
Yesterday at the grocery store they had samples of a local roasting company's cinnamon coffee. It was really good, but I could not afford a $10 little bag that didn't look like more than 10oz of beans. This morning, I decided to try something and put a bit of cinnamon in my coffee with the milk and stirred it up. It tastes so good! It's actually better and more cinnamony than the fancy beans! So nice for this time of year when it is cold and foggy. Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices, now I am inspired to try some other festive ideas.
I love cinnamon too, but I have never tried it in coffee before. I believe it should enhance the flavour of the coffee though. I think I may add some of this to my coffee next time around, when I do drink coffee, since I do so very seldom. I recently started adding it to my cereals, so I will see if I can come up with some other ideas where cinnamon can be used.
Ive never tried that either. I love cinnamon as well, especially in freshly made apple pies, with cream or custard, but never thought of trying it in coffee.
I often add cinnamon to hot drinks. I've had it in coffee and hot chocolate drinks. I add it to my home made ginger tea too.

You can also use cinnamon in mulled wine and hot punches.
I used powdered cinnamon, and just put a little in the coffee, but now that I am thinking about it, if I were making a larger pot for a number of people I think I would put a cinnamon stick in the bottom of the pot, rather than use the powder. That way there would be the flavor but not the little pieces of powder floating in it. I don't mind gritties and things but I know some people definitely do.
I love the flavour of cinnamon and sometimes order a cappuccino with a shot of cinnamon syrup. I have never heard of the beans you describe. Like you, I would be unwilling to pay the price for them.
Starbucks has made a literal fortune off of cinnamon spice lattes. They spend millions of dollars researching consumer taste. It's no wonder so many people find cinnamon to be a natural enhancer for coffee. If you want great coffee beverage ideas just study the Starbucks menu, and try to reverse engineer the recipe. You're sure to hit on something good.
I was just about to mention Starbucks myself. I always use the little cinnamon shaker they provide, next to the sugar sachets, stirrers and napkins. Saves 40 p on a cinnamon syrup shot every time.
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